Chapter 8 - Moon, Stars, and Marshmallows

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The grass tickles my neck when the cool night breeze slides over the ground, smooth and silent like a snake on hunting. The bright moon lights everything up around me, the stars above me whiten the black sky, pulling out my thoughts, letting me have a moment without worries.

In the silence something far away steps fast on the grass, the sound gets louder and closer, I jump up, and rush a meter away from the sound before I see it's just Alexander. "Jesus Christ, you scared me." I put my hand on my heart.
"Sorry but you scared me too, you scared the whole house, actually. You can't just leave the house without saying anything, you worried us sick," he says.

"Umm sorry," I apologize and lay back down on the grass. "I just needed to clear my mind."

He sighs, he does something on his phone and lies down on the grass beside me.

"Are you okay? And don't lie to me," he tells me sternly.

I let out a deep breath. "I don't know, I have been better, but it could definitely also be worse."

He doesn't answer, we lay in silence until we hear voices come from the house. Dad, Lorenz, Robin, Salvatore, and the twins come running to us, I sit up and wait for them to come closer, not bothering to stand up, neither does Alexander.

"What the hell Alessia!" Diego shouts, while Robin jumps into my arms and hugs me, I hug him back and ignore the other's comments.

"Alessia?" Dad's voice sound, so calm and safe. I hum not breaking the hug. "Let's go inside again."

"I will be outside for a bit longer; you can go in."

"I will stay too," Robin says over my shoulder, I hear a few others mumble 'me too'.

Dad let out a deep breath. "If you all are going to stay anyway, why not make it a little more comfortable?" He looks down at us.

Lorenz grin. "We need a campfire."

"And marshmallows" Robin breaks the hug and looks just as excited as Lorenz.

"And blankets and flashlights," Lorenz finish.

"Alright, Alexander, Alessia, go get the blankets. Lorenz, Robin, go get the snacks. Salvatore you will find flashlights and sticks for the marshmallows, the twins and I will set up the fire," dad orders and everybody jumps into action.

Alexander and I rush into the living room and pick up as many blankets and pillows as we can. I carry three big blankets and one pillow while Alexander carries five big blankets and three pillows. After placing everything near Matteo and Diego who's setting up the campfire, we rush back inside and take more pillows, on the way back Robin and Lorenz come out of the kitchen for the third time to drop off snacks. Together we walk back to the now finished campfire. Salvatore and Diego are placing out the blankets while Matteo is adjusting the campfire.

Lorenz and Robin drop the snacks on the already huge pile, and Alexander and I drop the pillows, and help the others place them. "Alessia, look at this!" Robin shout from the pile of snacks, I walk over to him "look at this" he says grinning, I look what he have in his hands, three different size of marshmallows, mini, normal, and fucking giant. I grin too, I know how much Robin loves marshmallows.

"I think we need toast instead for biscuits for those giants" I point at the giant marshmallows, Robin and Lorenz laugh, it feels good to make them laugh, especially Lorenz, I haven't talked with him a lot, but Robin loves him, and it feels like that he might accept me too.

A hand lands on my shoulder, I jump away in surprise, I look up at dad's unreadable expression "sorry sweetheart, didn't mean to scare you" he apologies "it's looking good" he looks at the snacks, campfire and blankets spread around.

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