Chapter 4

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Seoul, South Korea
11th November

The days started to change, pretty much a lot. Jennie confirmed that her gut feeling was right that night, something is really about to happen soon. She is really worried about it. She cries every single night after that. She just couldn't imagine herself suffering like that again! She have already been through a lot of pain in her past. Everything suffocats her now, everything. She is no longer all smiles and happy like she used to, she changed just like how the days. Her sister, Jisoo noticed it and tried to cheer her up and brighten her day for whatever she's upset about but nothing helped..

Jennie was packing her bag to go back to her own place, to the dorm house.

Irene was still living here, with Jennie in the same room but Nayeon and the other two boys has already went back to their own home.

They were cousins. Jennie's father's elder sister' daughter, Bae Irene. While in the other hand, Nayeon, Felix and Eunwoo were Jennie's mother's sister' children.

Although they were from two sides, the fathers side of the family and the mothers side of the family, they had a really good bond together since Jennie was born and they gathered with each others family many times.

Irene is a business woman, she has her own company and is a founder and CEO of it. Irene is 4 years older than Jennie as she is in her 30s already while Jennie is just 26.

"Jennie..." Irene called the brunette's name to attract the girl' attention back to her. She just hummed in response still concentrated on packing her bag. Jennie was busy packing her bags, running to the walk-in closet and coming back to pack the clothes, and its been half an hour since she's been running like this.

"What happened to you since the day we came here? You.. Jen, whats wrong? Is everything okay with you? You keep overthinking about something all the time and makes me more worried. Tell me everything, Jen!" Irene impatiently said whatever left her mouth, in one breath. Jennie just watched her as she spook and then looked back at the clothes that was placed inside her suitcase.

Every word of Irene's kept loading in her mind as she understood what she actually meant. Jennie took a deep breath as she thought what to say. She knew that everyone noticed her silence and her zoning out, but she couldn't stay without thinking about those. She overthinked the whole day, since that night. That one word spoken by Irene and then the second her mind went upside down and it just didn't make any sense at all! It was strange, really strange. Jennie took another deep breath and turned around to speak.

"Unnie, theres nothing wrong with me. I just-" Jennie got cut off by Irene. She was really really scared. She knew she cant tell this to anyone, she couldn't share her feelings. And she didn't know why she exactly cant.

"Look, Jen, dont lie. I know theres something wrong that keeps you distracted all the time and I can sense that something really really bad is happening inside you. What is it? Tell me, share your feelings with me, Jen, please." Irene requested. She wanted to know why Jennie has been acting like that lately. In the other hand, Jennie was having a breakdown inside, she couldn't take it anymore. She wanted to cry out loud because the feelings inside her is killing her, it has been torturing her the whole life and here it started again! She's afraid of her future. She's afraid her wishes will be unfulfilled, her dreams will never come true.

She sighed before she opened her mouth to speak, "Unnie.. I- theres n-nothing wrong. And other then that.. uhm.. maybe its because of my periods? Y-yeah.." Jennie stuttered at almost all the words she spoke. It was obvious something was bothering her. As Irene sighed and stood up, she slowly went closer to her and grabbed Jennie's shoulders, gently.

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