Chapter 27

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The next day..

It's half past seven in the morning. Pretty early since there's not much work to do today as well. Jennie and Tae are still deep asleep. When the bright sunlight hit Jennie's eyes, she slowly opened her eyes and blinked a few times before her eyes adjusted to the usual rough sunray.

Jennie looked up to see her hottie husband asleep, he was still turning his face to her side like last night.

She studied all his facial details and features. Every single thing is just so flawless. She pointed out to the little moles he has, which is super cute to her. Cute yet really attractive. She can watch this all day long without getting a little tired! This is way better than doing all these family works, domestic chores and homemaking works that she has to do daily.

Her eyes shifted to his hair, which was messy. He's so cute with his messy hair! Jennie just wants to play with his hair, ruffle with it, stroke it and caress it.

And her hands unknowingly moved to the black silky, soft messy hair.

Ah, it feels so good! All she wants to do now is play with it. She just wants to touch his hair all day long!

Kim Taehyung, you're so perfect! You don't know how much you're making me fall for you! You're just like my type. You are my perfect hubby!

Suddenly he moved, making her flinch as she quickly put back her hands and looked away. She quickly got up.

As she took a look at the clock to check the time, she walked to the bathroom and did her morning routine. And then put on a fresh pair of clothing.

She put on another piece of strip over her wound after applying a little bit of antibiotic/antiseptic cream.

Jennie didn't slide the curtains and let the sunray completely enter the room, cause she saw Taehyung still on the bed deep asleep. It's not good ruining someone, as hectic as him, sleep right? She is kind enough to understand that.

She swiftly walked down the stairs and entered her big kitchen. Well, she is so devastated about yesterday's sudden "disaster" that had happened only because of her recklessness. She should've been more careful!

Well, what was supposed happen had already happened. She needs to be careful next time, and now.

Jennie prepared the breakfast and served it on the table, but Taehyung still didn't get down or make any noises, which could indicate that he is now awake.

Jennie called him a couple of times, but no response, so she decided to go into the room and check on him.

Taehyung is actually awake. When Jennie saw him getting ready, she sighed.

He is awake!

She was about to call him for breakfast again when he turned around, showing his bare skin. He was not wearing his shirt! All he had on was the little towel wrapped around his waist but the rest of the skin was showing.

Jennie's eyes widened, really just so stunned to see a sudden reveal.

He had the perfect skin. Muscles, biceps and a well built abs which Jennie could identify as a 6 pack.

He really worked hard. He really goes to gym, does he?

Damn, this man really is so, so, so, super perfect! Literally flawless.

When Taehyung noticed her standing there, he quickly turned back and looked for his clothes.

Jennie attempted to hurriedly leave the room and run downstairs as if nothing happened but the voice made her halt in her tracks.

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