4| Assurance

394 61 4

Published on 5th May 2024.

Not gonna talk about what took me so long.
Let's have personal talks in the end.

Here you go with the chapter.
Don't forget to click on the send button after typing in your precious comments.
The chapter is in continuation in past.

Ban liya apna paigambar
Tar liya tu saat samandar
Phir bhi sookha mann ke andar
Kyun reh gaya

"Present, sir." Akriti sighed, eagerly awaiting the end of her interior design class. She couldn't wait to reunite with Yash, who had chosen journalism as his major, leading to separate classes. Their saving grace was being in the same university.

After the class, she hurried to their designated hangout spot, spotting Yash already there. A sly grin played on his lips as he had preemptively ordered their favorite coffees. "You're here!" He slid her favorite coffee to her side of the table - a small gesture that always made her smile. He knew exactly how to brighten her day.

Taking the first sip, Akriti exclaimed, "This is so good!" Yash chuckled, knowing her routine too well. She always does the same after drinking the same old thing. She promptly snatched his cup, taking a sip with a mischievous glint in her eyes. "Hey!"

"Thanks, Yash." She said, returning the cup, and he rolled his eyes. Same old tactic, but it never failed to amuse him.

They chatted easily, moving from talking about interior design to sharing funny stories from life. Akriti talked about strange things clients asked for, while Yash told tales of what was happening at school. They both enjoyed how simple and fun their talks were and how it was going all well between them.

Yash leaned back in his chair, stirring his coffee thoughtfully. "So, how was class today? Any exciting projects coming up?"

Akriti shrugged, swirling her own coffee cup absentmindedly. "Same old, same old... We're starting a new project on sustainable design. It's interesting, but I'm absolutely ready for something more challenging."

Yash nodded, understanding her frustration. He had seen her grow from that shy and tiny Akriti to an independent and dedicated woman. One thing that remained the same was the way she always found ways to annoy him.

Yash leaned back, taking in the sight of Akriti animatedly describing the colors and patterns in her latest designs. He marveled at how she could bring life to her creations.

"You know," Akriti said, setting her coffee cup down, "I can't wait to design our dream home one day."

Yash's eyes lit up, "Our dream home, huh? And, what would it look like?"

"Warm and inviting," She described, her eyes filled with dreams. "A place where every corner tells a story, just like us."

Yash smiled, envisioning the home she painted with her words. "I can already picture it."

Their laughter filled the air as they continued to share dreams, coffee, and a bond that transcended their diverse paths. The university campus witnessed the beauty of two worlds colliding, creating a unique harmony that belonged only to Akriti and Yash.

Their conversation was interrupted by the sound of a group of students laughing loudly nearby. Akriti glanced over, recognizing a few faces from his class. "Looks like everyone's in a good mood today."

Yash followed her gaze and chuckled. "Yeah, we're over with assignments. Plus, it's almost the weekend."

As they continued chatting, the sun began to set, casting a warm glow over the courtyard. Akriti felt a sense of contentment wash over her as she realized how lucky she was to have Yash by her side, supporting her through all the ups and downs of university life.

Aurous CharmsDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora