5| The Meeting

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Published on 12th May 2024.

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♡⁠ mujhko yaqeen hai wahan par
tumko bhi aati hongi zaroor
yaadein meri

- A K R I T I -

The loud beep of alarm woke me up from slumber. I don't usually have a deep sleep, I used to, but that was a long time ago. As I sat on my bed, my gaze crossed the file papa handed me yesterday. As I flipped through, a surge of nervous energy swept over me. The idea of leading the design for a new hotel was thrilling, yet daunting. I couldn't help but wonder if I was ready for such a big responsibility.

Stop it.

I can do it easily.

I will!

It's not that I've never worked on such kind of projects, I did. But this one seemed too extravagant. Then I stole a glance at Adit, peacefully sleeping on his side. He was my anchor, my reason for pushing through the tough times. I couldn't let my nerves get the best of me.

Closing the file, I made a silent promise to myself. I'd give this project my best shot, even if I wasn't entirely sure if I was up for it. I might stumble along the way, but I wouldn't let my nerves hold me back from giving it my all. I could feel the weight of the project settling on my shoulders. I made my way to the living room, where my parents were seated, sipping on their morning tea.

"Good morning, mumma, papa." I greeted them.

"Good morning, beta." Mumma replied, her warm smile putting me at ease.

Papa glanced up from his newspaper, "You look a little tense, Akriti. Everything okay?"

I sighed, trying to brush off my worries. "Just thinking about the project, you handed me. It's a big one."

Mumma reached out and squeezed my hand. "You'll do just fine, beta. You're stronger than you think."

I smiled gratefully at her reassurance, "Thanks, Mumma. I hope you're right."

Papa set his newspaper aside and leaned forward. "Don't forget, Akriti, we're here to support you every step of the way. You're not alone in this." I felt a wave of gratitude wash over me at his words.

"Thanks, Papa. That means a lot."

The three of us sat in comfortable silence for a moment, the sound of the ticking clock filling the room.

"So, what's the plan for today, Akriti?" Mumma asked, breaking the silence.

I shrugged, a faint smile tugging at my lips. "Just the usual, Mumma. Finding a good school for Adit."

Mumma nodded in understanding. "We know it's important, but don't forget to take some time for yourself, beta. You work so hard; you deserve a break every now and then."

I chuckled softly. "I'll try, Mumma. But you know how it is with Adit around."

Papa chuckled along with me. "That boy keeps you on your toes, doesn't he?"

I nodded, a fond smile playing on my lips. "He sure does. But I wouldn't have it any other way."


I was on a mission. A mission to find him a good school but every time I went to any, the environment didn't appease me enough. Determined to find the perfect school for Adit, I decided to visit the school where I used to study. With fond memories of her time there, I was hopeful that it will be the ideal place for my son to begin his educational journey.

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