Last vacation days

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*Jocelyn just woke up and she grabs her phone. She facetimes Josh and he picks up immediately*

Jocelyn: Hey, love! How are you doing?

Josh: Great! I just gave Derek some food. I am missing you though... I just want to hold you again.

Jocelyn: My vacation lasts two more days. It's just a week. And I'll bring you something! The day after tomorrow I'll arrive back at the airport. You're coming to pick me up, right? At four in the afternoon?

Josh: Of course, I'll pick you up. You don't have to bring me something, it's totally fine!

Jocelyn: I am going to bring you something, if you want me to or not.

Josh: Fine... Enjoy the day! I can't wait for your call again tomorrow.

Jocelyn: I did get some inspiration for a new book by the way! I'll tell you about it when I arrive home.

Josh: I am very excited to hear about it!

Jocelyn: I'll just go start my day off now, I'll call you again tomorrow morning!

Josh: See you tomorrow, my sweet butterfly.

*they hang up and Jocelyn steps out of bed. She walks through her hotel room and gathers some clean clothes*

Jocelyn: I'll walk around the park today. I think I saw a path that goes trough the mountains there. I would love to check that out! Maybe they even have some waterfalls there. I could sit down and think about how I want the book to go. And of course, the names of the protagonists...

*she changes into some fresh clothes, grabs her bag with her laptop and heads downstairs to the hotel restaurant*

Jocelyn: They got croissants, salads, and some other stuff... I haven't tried the salads here yet, I think I'll go for one today.

*after she grabbed a salad, she walked towards the coffee machine. She grabs some coffee and sits down to enjoy breakfast*

Jocelyn: Maybe a week long vacation was a little too long... We both agreed on a little space to ourselves and it helps with my inspiration, but I do miss Josh. Maybe just four days was enough. I do wonder what Derek thinks... One of his parents suddenly being gone for a week. I think he would be very happy to see me when I get back. I can already hear his howls and barks. Such a silly dog...

*while chuckling to herself, she finishes her food. She picks up after herself and starts walking to the park. After she arrived, she looks for the path she saw earlier that week. While retracking her traces, she finds the path. She starts following the path that leads through the mountains while looking at the beautiful views it gives. Coming across a waterfall, she finds a cafe. The cafe looks cosy, warm and not too crowded*

Jocelyn: Oeh, I could go for a coffee. I could also write a little there, just type out my idea.

*she walks in and sits down at a table. While putting down her laptop, a barista walks over*

The barista: Hello, welcome to Drinks And Waterfalls. How may I be at your service today?

Jocelyn: Oh, you have table service? That's awesome! May I get a cappuccino with caramel, please? Do you have that?

The barista: Of course, will that be all for now?

Jocelyn: Yeah, that's all, thank you!

The barista: Coming your way.

*the barista walks away again and Jocelyn settles down. She opens her laptop and clicks on an empty page. Before she starts writing, another barista catches her eye. The barista reminds her of someone. It's not them, but it looks like them*

Jocelyn: Why do they look so familiar... They look like Penn Badgley. I watched one of his movies last week with Josh.

*suddenly she gasps as a huge idea hits her. She instantly starts writing things down. Knowing that she probably won't do anything with it, doesn't matter to her. It's such a good idea that she wants to write it down. The barista that's serving her walks over and puts down the drink*

The barista: There you go. Did you want any snacks? I highly reccomend the red velvet cake here.

Jocelyn: You know... That does sound good. Can you get me a slice?

The barista: Of course! May I ask a question?

Jocelyn: Yeah, sure.

The barista: Are you Jocelyn, by any chance?

Jocelyn: Yeah, that's me. How do you know?

The barista: I've seen both the movies you were in and I've read the book you wrote. You're so talented!

Jocelyn: Really? Oh my god, that's so sweet!

The barista: Do you mind if we take a picture?

Jocelyn: Of course I don't mind, we can take a picture!

*they take a picture together*

The barista: Oh, consider the slice of cake on the house.

Jocelyn: Wait, that's really sweet, but you don't have to.

The barista: No, I insist! Please, take it.

Jocelyn: That's really nice of you, thank you so much.

*the barista walks away and comes back with the slice of cake. She places it on the table*

The barista: And there you go.

Jocelyn: Thanks! I have a question...

The barista: Ask away!

Jocelyn: You know my boyfriend, Josh, right?

The barista: Josh Hutcherson? Yeah, of course I know him.

Jocelyn: And do you know who Penn Badgley is?

The barista: The actor who my co-worker looks like?

Jocelyn: Thank god, you also think so. Anyway, yes. Wouldn't it be great if they both are in a movie? Both main characters?

The barista: Oh, that would be amazing!

Jocelyn: I was just thinking about that! It was just a random idea that popped up in my head.

The barista: Are you going to write a book about them? Or are you going to be making a movie?

Jocelyn: No, sadly I have no idea how to make a movie. And I'm not sure if the book would really pop with them. If they are both in one story, they should really be in a movie.

The barista: Yeah... You could still maybe write the plot and send it to someone? Someone like a director.

Jocelyn: I might write it out. I don't think I will be doing anything with it though...

The barista: Just do your thing! I'll have to get back to work and probably so do you. I won't hold you up any longer, succes!

Jocelyn: Thank you!

*the barista leaves and Jocelyn starts sipping on her coffee*

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