First night home

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Josh: Alright, are you hungry? We have been lying here for quite some time already.

Jocelyn: Well... Yeah, I'm actually kind of hungry.

Josh: What do you feel like eating today?

Jocelyn: Uhm, what about just something easy?

Josh: Like?

Jocelyn: I don't really know. Honestly, I'm fine with anything right now.

Josh: You know what?

Jocelyn: What?

Josh: We can just order pizza. I bought this puzzle two days ago and I was thinking that we could puzzle together. We can eat pizza in the meantime! 

Jocelyn: That sounds pretty fun! Pizza isn't that messy either. Do you remember what kind of pizza I like?

Josh: Pizza chicken surpreme with pesto.

Jocelyn: Exactly, I'll order the pizza and you can get the puzzle!

Josh: Bet! You remember what I want right? 

Jocelyn: Like it was yesterday... We're not switching a slice, just so you know.

*Josh laughs and starts walking to the hallway. Jocelyn starts ordering the pizza. A bit later, they are both sitting on the floor, trying to put together the puzzle pieces*

Jocelyn: This one goes here... 

Josh: And that one belongs beside it. 

*Derek sits down beside them, putting his paw on one of the pieces. Jocelyn notices this and laughs*

Jocelyn: Derek wants to help us! 

*she grabs the piece from under Derek's paw and realizes it's the next piece*

Jocelyn: That is such a coincidence! It's the next piece we need.

Josh: Really? Derek, you are such a good boy! Are you helping us out here, buddy? 

*the doorbell rings and Josh gets up, he walks towards the hallway and comes back with the two pizzas. He sits back down placing the pizzas between them*

Josh: This smells so good... 

Jocelyn: It smells great! 

*Derek barks which makes Josh and Jocelyn laugh*

Josh: I think he is telling us that it smells good. 

*Jocelyn hugs Derek and after, they start eating and finishing the puzzle. It takes about one and a half hour to finish*

Josh: I am really feeling a bath... I'm so glad we rebuild our bathroom together! I am so happy with our bath! 

Jocelyn: I completely forgot, I got you a couple surprises! 

Josh: Surprises? Why?

Jocelyn: I was on vacation and I knew you would like it, so I bought a couple things for you!

Josh: I'll clean up this puzzle and take a bath, after that you can show me, alright?

Jocelyn: No! I need to show at least one thing right now.

Josh: Fine... 

*Jocelyn runs up to her suitcases while Josh starts cleaning up the puzzle. When she comes running back, she holds something behind her back*

Josh: What do you have there?

Jocelyn: It's a surprise... Close your eyes and put your hands together, infront of you.

*Josh does as Jocelyn asks. Jocelyn places something in Josh his hands*

Josh: Do I open my eyes or do you want me to guess?

Jocelyn: Guess! 

Josh: Alright... It's something with a pump. Can I smell it?

Jocelyn: Do whatever you want.

*after opening, Josh smells the thing he has in his hands*

Josh: Uhm... It has a great smell. Kind of like wood and leather.

Jocelyn: You got the smell right! Just open your eyes. 

*Josh opens his eyes and looks at what he is holding*

Josh: Oh, nice! We didn't have that yet! 

Jocelyn: A bath oil! 

Josh: And the smell is also great! Thank you so much! 

Jocelyn: I'll help you clean up this puzzle. I'm looking forward to our bath.

Josh: Our bath? 

Jocelyn: You don't think that you're going to take a bath alone, now that I'm home again, right? 

Josh: Oh, that's right.

*he chuckles*

Josh: What if you clean up the rest of the puzzle and I will get our bath ready?

Jocelyn: Yeah, sure! Don't forget the bath oil! 

Josh: Oh no, I definitely won't.

*Jocelyn starts cleaning up the puzzle and in the meantime, Josh starts preparing the bath. After a bit, they are playing in the bath together, splashing water and laughing. This doesn't last long though. After they tired themselves out, they are relaxing together. Just enjoying the warm bath. After the bath, they decide to watch a movie together*

Josh: What are we going to watch tonight?

Jocelyn: Uhm... Did we finish the serie from Penn yet?

Josh: I think we left off at the last three episodes. Do you want to finish that?

Jocelyn: Yeah! I'll text Penn that we're finishing his serie tonight.

*they laugh* 

Josh: You do that, I'll just go search it on netflix.

*Josh turns on the TV and switches to netflix. As soon as he starts the next episode, Jocelyn takes a picture and sends it to Penn. She texts him something after*

Jocelyn (texting): We are finishing your serie tonight, Joe! Goodbye, you. 

*Jocelyn laughs and Josh also chuckles along as he sees what she wrote* 

Josh: Are you ready? 

Jocelyn: Hmhm! I'm always ready to watch something with you.

Josh: Wait, let's go lay underneath the covers. I know how this goes, we cuddle and watch something, you fall asleep, and I have to lift you off of the bed, just so we can sleep underneath the blankets. 

Jocelyn: yeah, that's fair.

*they lay down under the covers and cuddle up together. Jocelyn snuggles even closer to Josh as he presses the play button. Josh wraps his arm around Jocelyn and holds her close*

Josh: Are you comfortable?

Jocelyn: Hmhm... I forgot the other gifts, but I'll give them tomorrow, by the way...

Josh: That's alright, sweetie.

*besides the TV, it's very quiet in the room. They are snuggled up, watching the last few episodes together. Right when they reach about halfway into the last episode, Josh can hear snoring from beside him. He chuckles and turns off the TV. He turns to lie in a more comfortable position and falls asleep himself*

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