The poolcafe part 1

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*the next morning, Jocelyn wakes up. She showers and gets into some fresh clothes again. A high waist, baggy jeans with a beige shirt that slightly reveals her belly. Her hair is put up in space buns. Like usual, she walks downstairs for some breakfast. She eats some pasta pesto with her morning coffee and thinks about how to spend her day. After eating, she walks back to the hotelroom and starts writing again. Before she notices anything, four hours had already passed*

Jocelyn: I'm getting hungry again, I just ate. What time is it?

*she looks at the clock* 

Jocelyn: It's two at noon already?! Woah, time flies by. I'll just walk to the park and grab some lunch on the way. After that, I'll chill outside. I could look around a little and I think I saw a souvenire shop. I'll just wander around until dinner. After dinner, I'll just go home and get ready to go to the poolcafe.

*while getting ready to head out, she searches for her jacket. After she found her jacket, she heads to the park. She wanders around the shopping center and buys a couple of small things for keepsake. While wandering, she also lunched at a poke bowl restaurant. It's about six o'clock and she walks trough the streets, towards the hotel. She finds a restaurant and decides to get dinner there. After dinner, she heads back to her hotel room to get ready*

Jocelyn: Alright, I bought a cute bracelet! I'll wear it with my butterfly necklace. Let's get my hair fixed and my perfume on. 

*Jocelyn starts getting ready, in the meantime Josh calls and she answers the call*

Josh: Hey, darling! How are you? Are you at the poolcafe yet?

Jocelyn: No, I'm just getting ready to. 

Josh: I just wanted to tell you to be careful. I saw the news from the place where you're at and there is a group of guys that drug people. I'm not telling you not to go, I can't stop you from going, but please be careful. Keep me updated on your status, okay? 

Jocelyn: I'll be very careful! I'll text you every half hour. Is that okay? 

Josh: Please do. 

Jocelyn: Alright!

*in the meantime, Jocelyn is finally ready to go*

Jocelyn: I'm going to hang up now. I'll text you when I get there, and from then, every thirty minutes.

Josh: Alright, stay safe, okay love?

Jocelyn: Yeah! Bye, Joshie!

Josh: Bye!

*Josh hangs up and Jocelyn starts to head over to the poolcafe. When she arrives, she can see that there are quite a bunch of people. She has no one to pool with, but probably she can have a chat with people and join them. She walks towards the bar*

The bartender: Good evening! Can I set you up with a pool table?

Jocelyn: Oh, I'm alone here, I was just about to sit down and look around first. Do you serve cocktails here?

The bartender: Yeah! Well, I don't know all of them. Shoot me a name and I'll try to shoot you a cocktail, deal?

Jocelyn: Uhm... What about purple rain?

The bartender: I currently learned that one! What a coincidence. 

*the bartender immediately starts making the cocktail. As soon as it's done, he places it in front of Jocelyn*

The bartender: There you go, enjoy!

Jocelyn: Thanks!

*Jocelyn looks around the cafe and the people pooling. Suddenly a guy walks over to the bar where she's sitting. The guy has noticed that she walked in alone. He stands next to her and orders a drink. Without trying to make it too obvious that it's on purpose, he nudges her*

?: Oh, sorry. I didn't realize how close I was standing to you. 

Jocelyn: Oh, that's fine. Don't worry about it.

?: Are you here alone? My name is Mace, nice to meet you.

Jocelyn: Well, yes. I'm alone here and my name is Jocelyn. Nice to meet you too.

Mace: Jocelyn... That name sounds familiar... 

Jocelyn: You might have seen me in the news? I'm an actor. No big news or something, but just a subtle article where my name was called a few times.

Mace: Ah, yeah! I remember, the article about the movie you starred in, Hidden Depths? 

Jocelyn: Yeah, that one. 

Mace: So... What's an actor like you doing here alone? 

Jocelyn: On vacation! 

*she starts sipping her drink just like Mace*

Mace: Hm... All alone? No friends? 

Jocelyn: No, my friends did not join me on this vacation.

Mace: You can hang out with my friends! 

Jocelyn: Sure, sounds nice.

*Jocelyn takes out her phone and sends Josh a text that she's alright*

Mace: Are you coming or what?

Jocelyn: I just needed to text my boyfriend.

Mace: Boyfriend?

Jocelyn: Yeah, he's at home. I'm texting him every half hour.

Mace: Okay...

*they walk towards the pool table and Jocelyn puts her drink down on the normal table. Mace starts placing the balls on the table. After he's done, they start to play. One of Mace's friends waits until Jocelyn is not watching her drink and slips something in it. Mace notices this and smirks. Jocelyn's turn is over and she walks to her drink again. She doesn't sip this time, she's too focused on the game. A guy walks through the group towards his own table, nobody really paid attention to him. When Jocelyn finally wants to take a sip of her drink, she notices it's gone*

Jocelyn: Where did my drink go? 

Mace: What?

Jocelyn: My drink is gone...

*Mace walks over to Jocelyn, a bit too close for comfort. He starts whispering in Jocelyn's ear while wrapping an arm around her shoulder*

Mace: I'll buy you another drink, don't you worry sweetie.

*he leans in to give Jocelyn a kiss, but Jocelyn steps away*

Jocelyn: What the fuck? I just told you I have a boyfriend!

*Mace his friends move to stand behind Jocelyn. Mace grabs her by the wrist and by her face, so she can't move away. He leans in to forcefully kiss her, but suddenly a loud smack can be heard and someone pulls Jocelyn away with huge force. As the person pulling Jocelyn away lunges forward, Jocelyn can see Mace lying on the ground. The guy pushes one of Mace's friends and they start running towards the exit like cowards. Jocelyn is in huge shock and when she finally sees who the guy is, she immediately recognizes him. He walks towards her and opens his arm for a hug. Jocelyn steps forward and hugs him*

?: Are you alright?

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