The poolcafe part 2

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Jocelyn: Thanks to you...

*Jocelyn her phone is on the ground, buzzing like crazy. It suddenly stops and Jocelyn looks at it, zoned out. About three minutes later, the bartender walks over, holding a phone*

The bartender: Are you Jocelyn?

*she snaps out of her mind and looks at the bartender*

Jocelyn: Yeah... How do you know?

The bartender: There is someone on the phone.

*the bartender gives Jocelyn the phone. She holds it up to her ear*

Josh: Jocelyn! Are you okay?!

Jocelyn: Josh, yeah! I'm good now...

Josh: Now? What happened?

Jocelyn: There was this guy who came to talk to me. His name is Mace. I went with him to his friends in the cafe and he basically tried to get with me and forced himself upon me.

?: They also wanted to drug you, so I took the glass from your table.

Jocelyn: They did? God, I am so glad you were here to save me... I don't know what would have happened if you weren't there.

Josh: Who is that?

Jocelyn: That's Penn Badgley! The actor, remember?

Josh: From that serie called You?

Penn: That's me!

Josh: Thank you, so much, Penn. Jocelyn, where is your phone?

Jocelyn: It's lying on the ground... We also have Mace lying on the ground, unconscious.

Penn: We could turn him in? At the police station?

Jocelyn: I don't want to leave this place yet though... I just got here.

The bartender: I will call the police, alright? If you just finish the call, I'll take care of this guy.

Jocelyn: I'll have to go, Josh... Thank you so much for calling this place after I didn't answer my phone.

Josh: I got really worried about you... It had been forty-five minutes since you texted. You didn't answer your phone either.

Jocelyn: I'm sorry...

Josh: It's okay! Don't say sorry, please. You're safe now, that's all that matters. I love you.

Jocelyn: I love you too Josh... I'll stay with Penn for the rest of the day, if he doesn't mind.

Penn: No, I don't. She's safe with me Josh! I got you my friend. I'll bring her home safely, for you.

Josh: Thank you... So much. Stay safe, alright?

Penn: We will. We have to go now, but I'll make sure you get the texts, so you don't have to worry.

Josh: Alright, have a great night!

Jocelyn: Bye, baby!

*they hang up and Jocelyn gives the phone back to the bartender. The bartender looks at Mace's unconcious body lying on the ground*

Penn: We could drag him to the back and call the police? Do you have a rope?

The bartender: We have handcuffs, I think.

Jocelyn: I'll call the police if you guys take care of him.

The bartender: You can call in the back. That way you can make the phone call in peace.

Jocelyn: That would be great.

*Penn grabs Mace and follows the bartender, dragging mace with him. Jocelyn also follows, dialing the police. After a bit, the police arrive and take Mace with them. After that is taken care of, Jocelyn and Penn sit at the bar*

Penn: How about a drink? Just to wash away what happened.

Jocelyn: That sounds like a good idea actually...

*the bartender walks over and Penn orders two drinks*

Penn: So, you have a relationship with Josh?

Jocelyn: Yeah! He's very sweet.

Penn: He seems like a great guy. I never actually met him though. Do you guys live together?

Jocelyn: Yeah, we live in Kentucky.

Penn: Really? So do I!

Jocelyn: That's such a coincidence!

*Jocelyn takes out her phone, messages Josh and opens the map on her phone to show Penn where she lives*

Penn: That is about a twenty minute drive from my home.

Jocelyn: That's so crazy... And you're also on vacation, I assume?

Penn: Yeah, I'm also on vacation.

Jocelyn: Do you mind of we keep in contact? I think we could become good friends.

Penn: Sure! I'm in.

*they take out their phones and switch them to put their contacts in the other's phone*

Penn: Oh, I've read your book, by the way! It was so good. You really had me on the edge of my seat for the whole time.

Jocelyn: Really? That's great to hear! I have to say, I absolutely loved the serie You.

Penn: It was so fun to act in that serie. I would gladly go on set for another season with them.

Jocelyn: I'm actually going to write a second book! This vacation is to get some inspiration etcetera. I did write down a pretty cool plot, but I don't think I'll do anything with it.

Penn: Why not?

Jocelyn: It would be great if it was like a movie! But for a book? I don't think it will be as bright and good. As for a movie, I have no idea how to make a movie and who to reach. Also, I have protagonist actors already in mind. If I were to make the movie, I wouldn't continue if they don't accept the role. Not knowing how to make the movie is enough reason to just not try.

Penn: Are you sure?

Jocelyn: Yeah, it's a pretty good plot, but I just don't feel like it will work out.

Penn: Yeah, that sounds fair. Do you have another plot for a book then?

Jocelyn: Pretty much! I just need to fix some things here and there before I actually start writing.

*quite a lot of time passes and they decide to go home*

Penn: Are you sure you can still get into your hotel at two at night?

Jocelyn: Yeah! It's the closest hotel from here too.

Penn: Wait, you mean the hotel called Trivago?

Jocelyn: Yeah, that one.

Penn: I'm also staying there! What floor?

Jocelyn: Floor three.

Penn: You have to be kidding me.

Jocelyn: You too?

Penn: Yeah, that is so crazy. Let's go to the hotel.

*they start walking to the hotel*

Jocelyn: Are you flying home tomorrow?

Penn: At two in the afternoon?

Jocelyn: This is crazy... Should we go together?

Penn: I'm checking out at the hotel at twelve. Should we meet up at the checkout?

Jocelyn: Alright! Josh is picking me up, I'm not sure if you have a drive home. We could always bring you home.

Penn: Sure, I don't have a drive home yet.

Jocelyn: That's settled then.

*after they arrive at the hotel, they walk together to the third floor and part ways there. Jocelyn texts Josh that she's home and falls asleep soon after.

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