The Bliss of Being Young

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This is written by a young person so don't judge lol

One day we'll count something

brighter than coins

One day we'll find something

worth more than gold

Maybe one day we'll find love

Oh, the bliss of being young

One day it will hurt worse than a bruise

some days we'll always lose

One day we'll make things right

One day we'll make friendships tight

Some days we'll make mistakes

some days our hearts will ache

being young was always fun

But we'll be older now

Able to finally move that boulder

and have more on our shoulder

One day it'll be worth it

worth every loss and mistake

Brighter than coins

worth more than gold

we'll be the nighttime stars

to guide our young

We'll make memories 

that are priceless 

and one day we'll live 

to the very fullest

One day we'll be happy 

One day we'll feel young again

Oh, the bliss of being young

Is still on the tip of your tongue.

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