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In which B'Elanna and Natalya are split into two, during an away mission by the Vidiian's.


"Regeneration phase completed. Deactivate the genitron. Shut down the biomatrix. B'Elanna? B'Elanna Torres, wake up." said Sulan a Vidiian scientist, the face we see however is fully Klingon, Sulan heads over to the next person "Natalya Zarale, wake up" he said, Natalya however looks fully Cardassian, Natalya was going to freak when she saw what happened so would B'Elanna.


"Captain's log, stardate 48784.2. We have completed our survey of the Avery system and are returning to retrieve Lieutenants Paris, Zarale, Torres and Durst. By now, they should have concluded their inspection of the magnesite formations on the third planet." said Kathryn in her log. 

[Mess Hall]

"Here we are Mister Tuvok, one bowl of authentic Vulcan plomeek soup." said Neelix handing Tuvok a bowl of soup, it looks like normal human tomato soup. "As I have told you, Mister Neelix, this is an unnecessary indulgence. I am quite content to eat whatever the rest of the crew is eating." said Tuvok putting down his PADD. "Nonsense. Everyone aboard this ship deserves a little taste of home every now and then." reasoned Neelix. "Very well then, thank you." relented Tuvok. "Don't thank me, I'm having a marvellous time experimenting with the native dishes of the entire crew. So far I've learned to make corn salad for Mister Chakotay, and peanut butter and jelly sandwiches for Mister Paris. He calls it comfort food, I've also learned to make Regova egg for Lt. Zarale. Isn't that charming? What are you waiting for, it's no good cold." said Neelix, Tuvok takes a sip of his soup. 

"Well?" asked Neelix. "It is rather (cough) piquant." said Tuvok. "It is zesty, isn't it. I tried following the recipe in the computer's databank but it seemed so bland, so I took the liberty of spicing it up a bit. Call it plomeek soup a la Neelix." said Neelix. "I must point out that if you take the liberty of changing a time-honoured recipe you are hardly presenting a taste of home." said Tuvok. "Senior officers please report to the bridge." said Chakotay over the comm. "But your soup?" asked Neelix. Tuvok stands up "please, enjoy it." he said and leaves, Neelix drinks the soup directly from the bowl. "Ah, there's no place like home." said Neelix


"The away team hasn't arrived at the pre-arranged coordinates, Captain, and they've failed to respond to our hails." said Chakotay. "Have you tried locking on to their comm. signals?" asked Kathryn "we scanned the entire surface. No sign of them. They must still be underground, but I can't locate them there either." said Harry. "Then as we suspected, the dense magnesite formations in the planet's crust are blocking our sensors." said Tuvok. "Take a look at this. This is the cave system nearest the beam-in coordinates as it appeared in our initial geological scan. And this is the same system now. This tunnel here has shifted to the west by almost seventy five degrees." said Harry. "Are you saying walls of solid rock have changed shape in the two days since the away team was deployed?" asked Kathryn.

"Apparently so, Captain, but our initial scans didn't indicate tectonic activity of anywhere near that magnitude." said Harry. "In any case, it's possible that Torres and the others haven't returned to the beam-out site because they were trapped by these geological shifts. I'd like to lead a team down to investigate, Captain." said Chakotay. "And what is to prevent us from losing you as well, Commander?" asked Tuvok when Harry came up with an idea "breadcrumbs." he said suddenly, Kathryn looks at him confused "Ensign?" she asked. "I'm sorry, Captain. What I mean to say is I think I can modify some subspace transponders which could be deployed along the Commander's path, kind of like-" Harry trailed off. "Breadcrumbs. Got it." said Kathryn. "If they're placed at regular intervals I believe they'll maintain a signal link with the ship and they could serve as a transporter relay in case we need to stage an emergency beam-out." said Harry. "Very well, Commander, take a team with you, but I want a transporter lock on you at all times." said Kathryn. "Aye Captain. Tuvok, Kim, you're with me." said Chakotay.

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