Faces-Part 3

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"They must have taken them to organ processing." said the Talaxian. "Tell me how to get there." Tom said not remembering Natalya's Cardassian half came and picked her human half up. A Vidiian puts his hand on Tom's shoulder. "Keep your hands off me!" he snapped shoving the hand off his shoulder. "Whatever you say, Paris, but I thought you might like to get out of this place." said Chakotay. "Chakotay?" asked Tom. "Where are Torres, Zarale and Durst?" asked Chakotay. "I think they've been taken to what the Vidiians call organ processing." said Tom. A Vidiian sees Chakotay. "You! Why are you talking to that prisoner?" the guard asked. "I was ordered to take him to organ processing." said Chakotay. "Why wasn't I notified?" the guard asked. "I was told you had been." replied Chakotay. "I've never seen you before." said the guard studying Chakotay's face closely. "My face was just grafted." said Chakotay. "Very well, take him. But from now on I expect to be notified in advance of all transfers." said the guard relinquishing his control. "Yes, sir." said Chakotay.


"There." said Klingon and Cardassian B'Elanna and Natalya. "I have to bypass the security code so I can access the force field grid. Then I'll have a better idea of what we're dealing with. That should do it. There! That's what we're up against, and I think we're here." said human B'Elanna dragging human Natalya over. "Can you shut it down?" asked Cardassian Natalya. "We're working on it." said human Natalya, an alarm goes off, both Natalya's look around. "What now?" asked Klingon B'Elanna. "If they didn't know we were here before, they do now. Take it easy. I'll be done in a minute." said human B'Elanna with the help of Cardassian Natalya. "You're not frightened any more, are you?" asked Klingon B'Elanna curiously. "Maybe I just don't have time to think about it." said B'Elanna, when a guard enters. Klingon B'Elanna and Cardassian shoots him but he manages to get a shot at them too. "Are you hurt?" asked B'Elanna. "Keep working." replied Klingon B'Elanna. Sulan enters with a weapon, Cardassian Natalya rolls her eyes at him. "B'Elanna, Natalya, stop." human Natalya and B'Elanna share a confused look. "You're not going to hurt us. You need us." taunted the Cardassian, another reason Natalya liked her human side there was so much more taunting of people. "You're right. But if you do not surrender, I will kill them." said Sulan gesturing to the human counterparts, Chakotay and Tom enter, Tom looks so confused but then remembered he's seen Natalya's pure Cardassian counterpart. "Drop it!" yelled Chakotay. "Who are you?" asked Sulan. "That's what I want to know." remarked Klingon B'Elanna. "It's Chakotay!" Chakotay said. "I think I've just about accessed the forcefield." said human Natalya causing people to look at her. "Hurry!" said Klingon B'Elanna, allowing human B'Elanna to take control Natalya steps away from the console. "Got it! There!" said B'Elanna.


"Captain, the forcefield has been disrupted." said Tuvok. "Mister Kim, can you get a lock on Commander Chakotay?" asked Kathryn when Chakotay's voice came over the comm. badge system. "Chakotay to Voyager, do you read?" he asked. "Loud and clear, Commander." said Kathryn.


"I've found them, Captain." said Chakotay. Sulan takes a weapon from behind his back and points it at human B'Elanna, he figured he'll shoot her first than human Natalya. "No!" yells the Klingon and she throws herself in front of the beam. "No!" Sulan when he sees Cardassian Nayalya he smiles "oh well, one of you shall do" he said, Natalya's human counterpart rolled her eyes and grabbed Chakotay's phaser and set it to stun and shot Sulan. "Four humans, one Cardassian and one Klingon to beam up." said Chakotay.

[Transporter room]

"She's badly wounded, Captain." said Tom. Human B'Elanna cradles her other half in her lap. "Beam her to Sickbay!" human B'Elanna yelled. "Don't. No time. You showed true courage. It makes my death an honourable one." said Klingon B'Elanna.


B'Elanna and Natalya are on a biobed each. Chakotay is back to human again, Natalya is her half Cardassian half Human self again and turns out when she was spilt so was her daughter but now her daughter's back to her 3/4 human and 1/4 unborn status. "Using tissue from your counterpart, I can replicate the Klingon DNA, then over the course of several days, I'll reintegrate that genetic material into your cellular structure." said Natalya who was also back to being Dr. Zarale/Lt. Natalya. "Wait a minute. You're not saying that you're going to change me back?" asked B'Elanna. "That's precisely what Natalya's saying. Your cell's ability to synthesis proteins has been severely compromised." said the doctor, who often helped Natalya out without any nurses other than Kes. "Basically, you need the Klingon genes to survive. Like I need my Cardassian genes." said Natalya making it easier to understand. "So she's saving my life again." remarked B'Elanna. "I'll get started on the DNA." said Natalya. "How are you doing?" asked Chakotay. "I'm not sure. It's been a pretty strange experience. I do know that right now, the way I am, I'm more at peace with myself than I've ever been before. And that's a good feeling." said B'Elanna. "But?" asked Chakotay. "I'm incomplete. It doesn't feel like me. I guess I've had someone else living inside of me for too long to feel right without her." said B'Elanna. "I'd have to say that you two made quite a team down there." said Chakotay. "I know. I came to admire a lot of things about her. Her strength, her bravery. I guess I just have to accept the fact that I'll spend the rest of my life fighting with her." said B'Elanna. "I guess you will" said Natalya.


So for anyone who didn't see my announcement I changed my mind last minute about the laptop thing and took it with me.

Natalya is both refered to as Dr. Zarale and Lt. Zarale only crewmembers and sometimes the Captain uses her first name 'Natalya'.

In sickbay she is Dr. Zarale and outside she is Lt. Zarale, sometimes if she is on a field mission as a medic it is still Dr. Zarale.

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