The Killing Game-Part 2

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[Outside German HQ]

A woman spits at the ground when she sees Natalya. Natalya goes closer to the building, then grabs at her belly and stumbles. The guard comes over to help her, and they speak in German. "Was es ist, Fräulein?" asked the guard. "Ich muß mit ihrem Hauptmann sprechen." replied Natalya. "Kommen hier." said the guard, he helps her go inside.

[Kapitan's office]

The Kapitan is a human, and an SS officer. "Ever since my days at the university I've admired this painting, and now it's mine. Our fellow officers might prefer gold or land, but for me the greatest prize of war is art." said the Kaptain. "Trophies of the hunt. But was the hunt fair?" asked Karr. "Sir?" asked the Kaptain. "We entered this city with superior firepower against a weakened prey. Do you really deserve these prizes?" asked Karr. "We are German. The German people deserve Europe and everything in it." replied the Kaptain. "Why?" asked Karr. "Sir, you question our destiny?" asked another SS. Officer in the room. "Of course not. But I want to hear it in your own words. Tell me, why are we the Master Race?" asked Karr. "Our blood is pure. Our people lived and hunted on this land for a thousand years before the degenerate races brought their corruption. Europe must be purified." said the Kaptain. "You yourself, are you stronger than these degenerate races? More cunning?" asked Karr. "Yes, of course." said the Kaptain. "And if you were alone without an army supporting you, would you continue the hunt? If your prey were armed instead of defenceless, what then?" asked Karr. "I, Colonel, I, I don't know what you're trying-" the Kaptain began, when Karr grabs his throat. "You are superior to no one! Never underestimate your prey or disrespect its abilities. If you do, you will become the hunted. When the opposing army invades this city, remember my words." said Karr. The Kapitan nods. There is a knock on the door. "Enter." he said.

Natalya is shown in. A copy of Da Vinci's lost Leda and the Swan is one of the paintings on the wall. "Nathalie." he said. "I'm sorry, I know I'm not supposed to come here. Don't blame him. I told him that I was ill and I had to see you." said Natalya. "I will leave you two alone." said Karr. "Heil Hitler!" said Kaptain. The Alpha leaves without returning the salute. "It's all right, the Colonel is in a strange mood today." said the Kaptain, the guard leaves, he hugs Natalya. "What's wrong? Is it our child?" he asked. "I don't know. I was dizzy." admitted Natalya she wasn't lying. "I'll call the doctor." said the Kaptain. "No. I feel better now. Maybe I just needed to see you. Why haven't you shown me this place before?" Natalya asked. "I didn't want your neighbours to see you coming here. They make it difficult enough, knowing we're together." replied the Kaptain. "I don't care what they think. It's beautiful." said Natalya. She is referring to a small sculpture on a side table. "Praxiteles, master sculptor of ancient Greece. There are only three like this in all of Europe." said the Kaptain. "So many wonderful things." stated Natalya, including a soldier with headphones on sitting at a radio set, she fiddled with her necklace, the Kaptain had often asked her where she got it but she never said.

[Sainte Claire - Street]

Two Hirogen are walking together.  "The Kommandant would have us continue this simulation until we rot. It's pointless. We should begin the hunt. He believes we must learn more about our prey, but I have learned enough. Ready your weapon. Avoid the cranium." said Turanj. Neelix is wheeling his bicycle along the street. They shoot at him. People scatter, but Seven shoots back. "This way." said Seven. "But the message." said Neelix. "There's no time!" snaps Seven. They run around the corner and down an alleyway. The door they find is locked, but they are out of side when a motorbike and sidecar drive past. Neelix steps out of hiding, then Seven. The Hirogen Captain shoots her gun out of her hand, then both of them in the back as they try to run away. "Computer, exit holodeck. We'll take them to the medical bay." said Turanj.

The Chief Medical Officer: One Shots: Star Trek VoyagerΌπου ζουν οι ιστορίες. Ανακάλυψε τώρα