The Killing Game-Part 3

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[Le Coeur de Lion]

"You'll maintain position here, twenty metres from the front doors. Arm yourself with a submachine gun and watch for any sign of trouble." said Kathryn. "Understood." said Tuvok. "Now, we've observed a twenty second break in the guard rotation at four fifteen a.m. That should you and me enough time to enter the building through the storm window on the eastern wall." said Kathryn. "When I was there yesterday I saw guards posted at all three stairways. You'll have to reach the second floor through the elevator shaft. The command post is in the main gallery at the end of the hall." said Natalya. "Once inside, we plant the charges, blow the transmitter. You'll remain here. If something goes wrong and we're caught, destroy all evidence of the Underground. Our contact list, decryption codes, everything." said Kathryn. "Right." said Natalya. "We leave in one hour." said Kathryn. Seven looks at a grenade, unsure of what to do. Kathryn picks up a bar of plastic explosive. "This won't make much of a bang. You forgot to connect the detonator." remarked Kathryn. "I will correct the error." said Seven. "It's lucky I found your little error. It might have undermined our mission. Are you having second thoughts about tonight?" asked Kathryn. "No." said Seven. "Good, because I don't want any more mistakes." said Kathryn. "There won't be any." said Seven. "Let's hope not." said Kathryn.

[Mess Hall]

It was B'Elanna that activated the EMH's program "Lt. Torres, what happened to you?" the EMH asked seeing her injuries "I tried to fight several Hirogen at once, I lost and now they won't let me see you. Anyway that's beside the point, Harry's told me the plan and I managed to grab a quick scan of holodeck one, and it looks like Seven of Nine is on the move. Are you ready in Sickbay?" replied B'Elanna. "My Hirogen taskmaster is working in the bio-lab. I'll have access to the medical console for another twenty minutes at least." said the EMH. "That'll give me enough time to get to the bridge." said B'Elanna, she turns the EMH off as two Hirogen enter. "Good afternoon." B'Elanna said innocently or as innocently as she could. "What are you doing in here?" asked a young Hirogen. "Trying to get the replicator system back online. Unless you prefer the emergency rations? Personally, I'm getting tired of synthetic protein. You're supposed to be the finest hunters in the quadrant, why don't you find us something a little more tasty? Is something wrong?" snapped B'Elanna. "An unauthorised transmission was sent from this room." said the Hirogen. "What kind of transmission?" asked B'Elanna. "I don't know. Maybe you can tell me." said the young Hirogen. "Well, I was trying to re-route power from the main computer to the replicators. Of course. I must have tripped a communications subroutine. Sorry about that. Didn't mean to worry you. Your people have damaged just about every system on this vessel. Accidents are bound to happen. Now, if you don't mind, I'm due on the bridge." said B'Elanna. "Show it to me." said the Hirogen. "What?" asked B'Elanna. "I want to see this subroutine. Show me what you were doing when the accident occurred." said the young Hirogen. "Forget it. I don't have time." B'Elanna says and she starts walking out, the Hirogen knocks B'Elanna down. "Do as I say." snapped the Hirogen. "All right! But you'd better call the bridge. Tell your superior I'm going to be late, that I'm working under your orders now, not his. Go ahead, make the call. I don't want to take the blame for this." said B'Elanna. "Report to the bridge." said the Hirogen. "Thanks." said B'Elanna.

[Kapitan's office]

The radio operator is writing down a Morse code transmission. Janeway knocks him out. "Set the charges here, here and there. This looks like a message from one of their reconnaissance teams." said Kathryn. She takes the headphones and listens. Seven removes books from a shelf to reveal the holodeck controls. "These must be instructions for troop deployments. The Germans must be taking up new positions outside the city. It looks like they're mobilising more troops than our sources originally expected." said Kathryn. The computer beeps up on the bridge. A monitor at the back of Ops says Holodeck One Access Enabled. Kim works consoles, and one in Sickbay proclaims Neural Interface Access Enabled. The EMH presses buttons to bring up Janeway's personnel file. "They're moving armoured units into the valley. They must know the Americans are coming. We've got to warn them somehow. What are you doing? You haven't set the charges. What is that?" asked Kathryn turning around. "I believe it is a transmitter. I'm attempting to disable it." said Seven. "You're sending a message to the Nazis." accused Kathryn. "No." said Seven. "Step away, or I'll kill you." said Kathryn.

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⏰ Last updated: Mar 09 ⏰

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