The Killing Game-Part 1

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[Holodeck two - Klingon battle simulation]

Kathryn Janeway, as a Klingon warrior, is fighting other warriors. "P'tahk! Prepare to meet your ancestors!" said Klingon Kathryn, the other warriors keep pushing her back until one manages to thrust the point of his bat'leth into her chest, knocking her down on her back. "This battle is yours today, but the House of Mo'kai will never yield." said Klingon Kathryn, she grabs a mace from a fallen Klingon and resumes the fight. She is interrupted by an Hirogen in Klingon armour. "Doh-cha scree! Move away, coward. I want to make this kill." said Karr one of the Hirogen. "You should have killed me when my back was turned." said Klingon Kathryn. "I want to see the fear in your eyes." replied Karr. "Look closely and you'll see your own destruction." said Klingon Kathryn. "You are resilient prey." said Karr. "I'm no one's prey." growled Klingon Kathryn, she raises the mace and he stabs her in the stomach. "You are mine, now and after death. Sickbay, this is Holodeck two. Janeway requires medical assistance." said Karr.


Voyager is surrounded by Hirogen vessels. Kathryn now looks human on the biobed. An Hirogen is working in Sickbay. "She'll survive." said the Medic. "What about her neural interface?" asked Karr. The medic scans a Y shaped scar below Kathryn's jawline. "Stable." said the Medic. "Are you sure? There were times when she seemed aware of who she is." said Karr double checking. "Impossible. I was monitoring the crew during the entire simulation. She believes she's whoever we programme her to be. Shall I return her to the Klingon simulation?" asked the Medic. "No. Bring her to Holodeck one. I've found another programme I want to try. A conflict that took place on her own planet. It should prove stimulating." said Karr. "What do we do about her?" asked the Medic, gesturing to a heavily pregnant Natalya Zarale still in her green Starfleet uniform and still wearing her wedding ring having just had a neural interface surgically added into her. "Place her in Holodeck one, get one of the female officers to change her into something that relates to that era." said Karr "what about the pregnancy?" asked the Medic "make her think it is someone else's" said Karr.

[Le Coeur de Lion]

A French café during World War 2. Mademoiselle de Neuf or is truly Seven of Nine, singing It Can't Be Wrong to piano accompaniment. "Wrong, would it be wrong to kiss? Seeing I feel like this, would it be wrong to try? Wrong, would it be wrong to stay, here in your arms this way, under this starry sky? If it is wrong." Tuvok is the bartender in a white jacket, and the owner wears a white three piece man's suit à la Marlene Dietrich as she greets her Nazi and French customers. She moves amongst the tables. "Welcome to Le Coeur de Lion. I'm Katrine. The first round is with my compliments, on one condition. You leave the war outside. More escargot for table nine. Jacques, no lady tonight? Oh, we'll have to see what we can do about that." said Kathryn. She sits at a table. "Forgive my neglecting you. Now, where were we? Ah, yes, my latest adventure in Paris." she said, when Kathryn looks over to the bar and sees Tuvok nod towards the entrance. Two Hirogen Nazi officers are entering. "I'm afraid I'll have to neglect you again. Excuse me." she said, Kathryn goes to the bar. "That's him." said Tuvok. "Our new Kommandant?" Kathryn asked. "British intelligence believes he's been sent here to oversee the occupation of the city." replied Tuvok. "What's his history?" asked Kathryn. "He served with Rommel in North Africa and Schmidt in Poland. He is a formidable military strategist, notorious for his cruelty." said Tuvok. "Ah. Let's make him feel at home. Send him a bottle of Chateau LaTour. My compliments." said Kathryn. "The '29?" Tuvok asked. "I hate to waste good wine. Give him the '36." said Kathryn. "As you wish." said Tuvok. "And I have waited so long. It must be right. It can't be wrong." sung Seven. The song finishes, and she gets a round of applause. "Merci. Be generous to Claude this evening. Without him, my voice is empty. Good evening." said Seven, walking off the stage. "Sing." demanded Turanj. "Tonight's performance is over. Return tomorrow." replied Seven. "Now." said Turanj grabbing Seven's arm. "Remove your hand." Seven demands. "Obey me, or I will hunt you down and your bones will adorn the bulkhead of my ship." said Turanj, Karr stood up. "Sit down and play the game. In this setting, we have no ships. We are an ancient race of soldiers intent upon conquering this world. Play the game." he said to Turanj. "Now, now, what's this? Mademoiselle LeNeuf will be happy to sing another song. Just give her a few minutes to freshen up." said Kathryn walking over. "It's late." replied Seven. "Freshen up." says Kathryn sternly. "Very well." says Seven glaring at Turanj before walking off. "Kommandant Karr." says Kathryn. "You know me." says Karr. "Your reputation precedes you. I'm Katrine. Le Coeur de Lion is my establishment. The first round is with my compliments, on one condition. You leave the war outside." says Kathryn. "I wish to speak with her. Alone." said Karr.

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