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"Did I take it too far Jenna? " Gideon asked as she sipped her coffee, Jenna stared at her, she was angry, she was feeling every negative emotion there could be, she wanted to confront Gideon face to face, doing what Aliyah had said, fix this, and she had to start with the source but now hearing her answer, Markus was right, there was a part of her that didn't want to believe it, that the person who once was her friend and maybe something else, wasn't capable of doing that but she was so so wrong....
"Why'd you do it" She said tightening her hands under the table, her knuckles turning white

"Seeing you two at the park made me wanna start world war three. She looked so familiar, so I did my research. I remembered when you told me you hated being lied to so I thought and let her lie to you? i thought i was just helping out " Gideon answered with a frown "It wasn't your place to tell me, you took that away from her Gideon" Jenna fired back defending Y/n, Gideon chuckled "Now you know what she is, i didn't end well? Seeing that you look like crap and she does"

"All this because we didn't connect? Fucking hell Gideon i love he- "

"Oh we did connect Jenna! But your to fucking blind too see it!! I had to Pacify her. She was getting on my nerves. You don't love her. Stop lying with those words! Someone told me stay away from things that aren't yours and she didn't stay away from what's mine, you wanted me so bad at some point"

Gideon slammed her hand on the table, Jenna didn't flinch at all glaring at her thinking this bitch was crazy

"You think you won this? You think I won't go to her? Do you really think I'll just stay here and do nothing? Was that part of your stupid plan too? " Jenna said raising her voice matching her energy as well, Gideon smirked with a smile

" if you were to do something you're too late, her ceremony is's almost night time in London right now... you won't make it on time, she'll probably be impossible to reach after that, try reaching out to a queen, Jenna,"

Jenna froze hearing this

"Tic tac Jenna, time is running "  

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