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"Jenna, we got something in the mail" Aliyah said as Jenna walked through the door, before she could answer Aliyah pulled out the invitation stopping her in her tracks reading it out loud

Dear Ortega Family,

We are delighted to invite you to the Coronation Ceremony of Her Majesty, Y/N Elizabeth III, as the third monarch of the United Kingdom.

Date: March 3rd 2024


Venue: Westminster Abbey, London

Your presence at this historic event would be greatly valued.

We look forward to sharing this momentous occasion with you.

Yours faithfully,

Queen Elizabeth II

"We got invited?" Aliyah nodded quickly "And by the queen herself...not Y/n, the other one well her mom anyways it got here too late, it's tomorrow.. We won't make it on time it's already four a.m in over there" Jenna frowned hearing this, Y/n's mom invited them...?

"She knows" Jenna said, Aliyah frowned hearing that "What? She knows?"

"Y/n's mom knows about us, that we dated " Aliyah gasped getting what she meant "Dude...that means she approves...she approved your love "

Jenna sat down feeling sick for some reason, did she do it on purpose? She knew she wouldn't make it on time, if she really wanted them there, she would've sent it earlier so they could get there. Does she approve? She didn't think so...

"Are you going? You have to go" Markus said frowning at her, Jenna bit her lip "I won't make it...even if i tried i won't make it" Jenna said sadly feeling defeated, Aliyah walked up to her shaking her by her shoulders "You dumb bitch text Taylor Swift or someone that has a jet!!! Or you can get one if you have money!!" Jenna pushed her away glaring at her but frowned at the same time, she wasn't wrong...

"I can't go!! " She yelled as she let out some tears groaning in frustration, she stood up and went to Y/n's room.

This is the end 

"Mother, i'm nervous" Y/n said as she stared at herself in the mirror, in a beautiful white dress, a symbol of purity, innocence, and renewal. White is traditionally associated with these qualities and is often chosen for significant ceremonial occasions, the color white is emblematic of a fresh beginning and a new chapter, which aligns with the symbolism of a coronation marking the start of a monarch's reign, Of course she had to continue tradition

"Of course you are, but remember always keep your head up, " Y/n nodded hearing this, The queen smiled at her "You'll be the best queen ever, after were born for this "
Y/n didn't say anything, she just stared at herself in the mirror, would Jenna see her? Again another question she'd ask her self for the million time, the thing that mattered the most to her

Would Jenna see her? Is she still mad? Is she still sad?

"By the way my dear, I invited your friends the Ortega's" Y/n snapped her head at her "What? Did they give a response back?  is she coming?? " She asked with hope in her eyes, Jenna being here? Would they finally be able to talk ?

"Sadly no my love, but it's alright, maybe they'll see you on the telly, don't let this bring you down, you are strong, you have to be strong, a Queen is always strong no matter what, understood? " Y/n looked down right away...of course so she was still mad...or sad or both...

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