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Jenna turned up the volume as tema de susie whistle version came on, she even hit the loop option, she had just gotten to her apartment after shooting all day, she was exhausted, she was drained, she was tired
Y/n did cross her mind from time to time during the day, but she would go away quickly
It was until moments like this every night where it hit her like waves...she felt like drowning

Swear I couldn't sleep a wink last night
No point in turnin' off the lights

She poured herself a glass of wine as she opened the balcony door, a small chair already waiting for her outside, seeing as she did this every night, she lit up a cigarette
She sat down taking a drag, shutting her eyes, this song would take her to when she met Y/n remembering on how she took her god damn taking off those airpods

Not the same without your head on my shoulders

She chuckled as she shook her head taking a sip from her wine, she was unbelievable, Jenna wished she could turn back time to that day, she'd do everything again, every single thing, every single word, every single feeling
She stared outside, she was numb, everyone noticed something happened, no matter how hard she tried to hide it, they knew she was dying inside, Tim being the first one to ask her

"Would you like to tell me why the Queen of England was here a couple days ago?" He asked as he crossed his leg as he pushed his glasses up, Jenna kept quiet avoiding all eye contact with him " You've been upset ever since " He added , Jenna just stared shaking her head " I don't know if i'm allowed to tell you" She said above a whisper, Time nodded "Whatever it is Jenna, i'm sure you'll be able to overcome it"

Would she be able to?

There was no one like Y/n

" You're all that I see " Jenna whispered to herself as a tear rolled down her cheek She shut her eyes taking another drag as she grabbed her phone, she went on X (Twitter), she had a secret account no one knew about, the first thing that popped on her feed and that was trending was about the Royal family, besides she followed them

She frowned seeing it was pictures of Y/n and William, it looked like they were arguing, Charles as well, they all looked mad

She wondered what happened, was she okay? Was she sad? She stared at her phone, so easy but so hard, she could just hit the text or call, why did she make everything so hard?

"God i'm so fucking stupid" She put out her Cigarette as she stood up going back inside as she chugged her wine "But she didn't deserve this...i can't give her full attention" She rubbed her face, squeezing her eyes shut

Lost in the blue
They don't love me like you do
Those chills that i knew
They were nothing without you

Jenna plopped down on her bed as she stared at nothing, her room pitch black as well, the only light coming from the hall

"You're the one i can't lose" 

Jenna opened her photo app, she hasn't taken any pictures at all, the last one was taken of them cuddling on Y/n's bed making silly faces, Jenna could only stare at it, They looked so happy...they were so happy...The pictures she saw earlier she noticed how Y/n looked, besides being mad, she guessed she wasn't doing so well either... 

It had been a month already, and it still hurt like hell

Jenna stood up as she flipped the light on, making her way to the bathroom turning on the shower, quickly stripping as she went inside, the cold water hitting her body, she didn't flinch nor jump like you would, she just stood there...the cold water running down her body as she let out a cry, her chest tighten as she placed her hand on it as she squeezed her hand shut, she only cried clutching her chest in pain, that horrible pain, that horrible feeling...that you know so well

She had to shower, she finally calmed down taking deep breaths, Her days were so so long and tiring, last time was the same but she had fun, this time...she was doing it sad, She was so blocked that getting into character was so so much easier this time
What would Y/n say to her? She would probably notice right away her mood and feelings, she's so good at that...she can already hear her voice in her head saying
' Yes, you're dripping with happiness i can see, Do you...want to perhaps talk about it? '
''Why the sad face love?' 

She smiled at that, Y/n was such a sweet human being..she really did love her...she could feel Y/n's love...and no one else will love her like that again , she was sure of that

She finished showering, feeling a bit better, she wrapped herself with her towel quickly drying herself off, grabbing a baggy shirt she stole from Y/n, but of course the girl didn't know that, she tapped her phone checking the time

But her eyes saw something else quickly

Y/n had texted her

She quickly opened the message eager and nervous, her hand a bit shaky, 

Hi Jenna... I don't think I'll ever know how to love someone else the way I love you, you are the last person I ever want to love like this and I promise you that I will hold on to us until my hands are buried by the earth.
With love comes pain, and I'd suffer, forever for you.
I'll wait for you, I love you so much. 

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