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Jenna 's heart was beating fast, still not processing that Y/n was here, right in front of her, pouring her heart out to her once again. She didn't know how to react, what do or say, she was happy, she was and she felt so loved

"I so we can be together" Y/n said taking a step closer to her, Jenna nodded not moving "I know...i saw the article" Y/n frowned hearing this nodding slowly, her palms were starting to sweat, she was starting to think this wasn't such a good idea ... she cleared her head quickly not losing hope

"I..what's on your mind?"

"I don't know...... i am happy that you're here, all i can think about is how i'm focused in my career and how much time it takes, we met in a time when i was off work and you weren't taking care of a whole country... in reality my life is being up and down, to the point i rarely see my family, i don't want to put you through that...because you deserve so much better" Jenna said fighting the knot in her throat as she clenched her fist trying to keep herself together

Y/n's heart fell hearing this, she didn't hide it, tears quickly fell down her cheeks, making Jenna's heart break

"I understand, and you're right " Jenna felt surprised hearing that, she didn't expect that at all

"But we can make it work out...i believe we can, it may be hard, but i'm sure we'll be able to work it out.." Y/n tried to reason with her, Jenna could see hope in her eyes

"Y/n...i love you, so much, never doubt that i love you, but we have to be real my love... that's the reality... there's going to be days where you won't hear from me at all.. I won't be myself since I'm playing another person and I take on that personality for a bit... i really don't think you deserve to go through that" 

Jenna said grabbing Y/n's hand, taking in how it fits with her, how they mold perfectly together, as she took a shaky breath "I'm doing this because i love you" She finally broke as tears fell down her cheek, She froze as Y/n's eyes met hers, how red and puffy they were, still took her breath away, Y/n's lip quivered as she bit it trying to make it stop

"I don't want us to end" She barely made out as a hiccup came out, Jenna shut her eyes biting the inside of her cheek "Neither do i Y/n...but maybe it's not meant to be right no-"

"Stop with that nonsense Jenna" Y/n cried out squeezing Jenna's hand " I love you and you love me...but you're making this so hard.. I thought that this would've gone down differently... I understand that we're both busy...but i'll never, ever be busy for you" Y/n cupped her cheek bringing her close, Jenna wanted to say yes, she wanted to scream it, but something was telling her's not meant to be right now...and that killed her and she hated herself so much for it

"And i'll never be busy for you...if you ever need me you can call...or text and maybe i won't answer right away...but i'll be here for you because no matter what..i love you Y/n"

Jenna could see realization flash through Y/n's eyes,Y/n had realized that this

This was Jenna's final decision, and sadly...she couldn't go against that anymore...without hesitation Y/n pulled her in for a hug, a very tight hug, Jenna hugged back with the same feeling not wanting to let her go

" Remember everything will be alright...we can meet again somewhere ... Somewhere far away from here... " Y/n tried to reassure the both of them, still somewhat hope in her

"Stop your crying Baby, it'll be alright..." Jenna said as she whipped Y/n's tears as she caressed her cheek, Y/n leaning in her touch, not being able to as a sob left her quickly

"Are you sure this is what you want...?" Y/n asked above a whisper

Jenna shut her eyes as her lips trembled nodding slowly

"Say it...if you don't say doesn't count.." Y/n pressed their foreheads together praying and hoping that she would stay quiet, Jenna let out a sob "Yes..." she barely made out as she grabbed Y/n by the neck pulling her in for a kiss

The both of them crying, tasting their salty tears as their lips met, kissing goodbye...

"I love you..." they both whispered...

"You're welcome to use my room if you go back home..." Y/n said pulling away slowly, Jenna nodded slowly taking a deep breath

"I'll miss you, and forever love you, Jenna Ortega, I hope we can meet again somewhere... somewhere far away from here..." Y/n said smiling at her

The smile that you gave me even when you felt like dying

Jenna could only see as she left the trailer, shutting the door behind, a loud sob leaving her 

Her world falling apart, everything was falling, hopefully she was right...if it's meant to be, they'll meet again.... 

I saw your comments, i made my decision, don't hate me, this will be longer that i expected, i love you, please don't be sad.

Ps: if it makes you feel better i cried while writing this. 

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