Chapter 3

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Emily’s POV

My eyes slowly flung open, welcoming the light in. I groaned, feeling the soreness in my centre as the memory of last night's activities played vividly in my head. I realized I was still in his bed and quickly glanced to my side, expecting to see him there.

He wasn't.

It felt strange to feel disappointed that I didn't wake up to the sight of his gorgeous face. Breathing out heavily, I looked around his luxurious-looking bedroom, replaying the events of last night in my mind.

"Was it worth it?" the voice in my head asked.

"It's just sex, and he gave me a night to remember," I answered.

"A night to remember, or maybe not?" the voices taunted, but I chose to drown them out as I stood up and got dressed.

My gaze landed on a white rose and a note lying on the bedside table. Curiosity piqued, I moved closer and picked up the note.

I tore it open and read, "I had to go, lock up when you are ready to leave, drop the keys with the doorman, and enjoy the rose."

Honestly, I was disappointed. I had hoped for a romantic note or even just his name or a number. But what was I expecting? He had made it clear he wasn't Prince Charming, and it was just a one-night stand.

"I didn't get his name, but it's for the best. It was just a one-night stand, and I'll never see him again, so why do I need to know anything about him?" I said to myself, picking up my bag and walking out.

Handing the keys to the doorman, I made my way out of the apartment building. Taking a taxi, I headed back to my apartment.

As soon as I got back, I rushed to have a shower. No matter how much I tried, I couldn't rid myself of his scent. It was like he had imprinted himself on me.

Curling up beneath my comforters, I couldn't stop thinking about the night I spent with my mysterious stranger. I knew I would never see him again, and the question of who he was would remain unanswered.

The rest of my day was spent in bed. Being alone only fueled my intrusive thoughts, so you can imagine my excitement when Layla burst into my room.

"So you're back. How was your walk of shame? Do you realize it was a mistake going home with that stranger?" she teased as she sat beside me.

Rolling my eyes, I pulled her close and whispered, "I had a great time. I don't regret anything."

"Okay then, if you say so. But tell me you at least got his name," she pressed, and my gaze fell.

"I didn't get his name, but it's for the best. It was just a one-night stand, and I'll never see him again, so why do I need to know anything about him?" I rationalized.

"Oh God, Emily, this is not how to heal. I know you're trying to forget Ethan, but this is not how to do it," Layla expressed her concern.

"Do you remember that saying, 'If you want to get over one man, you should get under another'? That's what I did, and it worked perfectly," I retorted, feeling defensive.

"You win... if you say so," Layla conceded.

"Have you eaten anything?" she asked.

"No, not hungry," I replied.

"Nonsense. I thought you were healing perfectly, so that means no starving yourself. I'll order something for us," Layla declared as she left the room.

She returned with two packs of Chinese fried rice. "Eat up," she ordered, handing me the food.

We sat together, ate, and watched TV. Eventually, Layla couldn't resist asking, "Was it that good? Your night with the stranger, was it that good?"

"It was a night to remember," I whispered, recounting the details to her.

Six months later...

It had been six months since my wild night with that mysterious stranger, and honestly, that was the last time my life was ever interesting.

I still didn't have a job, and I was living off my best friend. Even though Layla wasn't complaining, I still felt guilty, and that motivated me to keep up with my job hunt.

Storming into the apartment with anger coursing through me, I yelled in frustration. "Another day filled with rejections!"

Layla entered the kitchen, concerned. "I heard you yell. What's going on?"

"Today was the same as the rest, filled with rejection. Why doesn't anyone want to employ me?" I vented, feeling defeated.

"I'm sorry. You'll get a job soon. Don't lose hope," Layla comforted me softly.

"I don't think so. I think this is all Ethan's handiwork. He doesn't want me to get a job," I speculated bitterly.

"It doesn't matter. You will get a job soon, I assure you," Layla reassured me, her concern evident.

Though I didn't believe her words, I nodded and downed the contents of my glass.

As I was about to head to my room, I realized Layla was home earlier than usual. "Layla, is everything okay? Are you sick? Should we go to the hospital?" I asked, worried.

"Emily, what are you saying? I'm fine. Look at me," she responded, puzzled.

"Then why are you home early if you're not sick?" I pressed, confused.

"I quit my job," she dropped the bombshell, and I froze.

"Quit? You can't quit. You're the only one with a job right now, and we'll die of hunger if you don't work," I protested, feeling panicked.

Layla chuckled, trying to ease the tension. "I got my dream job in Belleza," she revealed, and my breath caught in my throat.

"The city of Belleza?" I asked, seeking confirmation.

She nodded, excitement dancing in her eyes. "I've always loved that place. So you can imagine my excitement when I was offered my dream job there. Danny is coming along too. He got a job there as well. We leave in a week," she explained, and I couldn't believe it.

"You're leaving me?" I whispered, trying to hold back tears, but failing.

Layla and I had been friends for the longest time. We'd always done everything together, from attending the same schools to sharing an apartment. It was hard to imagine her leaving.

"I'm not leaving you. You can always visit me there. I'll always be your friend, Emily. That won't change," Layla reassured me, pulling me into a hug.

As we pulled away and she wiped my tears, I realized one thing: couldn't stay in this city without her.

"I'm coming with you. You can't get rid of me that easily," I declared.

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