Chapter 5

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Emily’s POV

I’ve been in this new city for a few weeks now, and I must say, I love it here. It feels so different from my previous city, and that's exactly what I needed for myself. I’m determined to get my life back, free from love and heartbreaks.

But first things first, I need to find a job. Maybe in this city, I'll be lucky.

So, I hurried to get dressed, eager to explore all that the city had to offer.

“Where are you off to?” Layla’s voice stopped me before I could leave the apartment.

I turned to her with a smile. “I’m going to explore the city and maybe find a job,” I answered, my excitement evident.

“Alone?” Layla asked, her expression serious.

“Yes, alone. I don’t need you to babysit me anymore, and I need a job, you know,” I reassured her, but she still seemed unconvinced.

“You know it's okay, right? You don’t have to find a job right away. We’ve only just arrived,” Layla said, and I smiled.

“It’s been weeks. I can't keep living off you and your boyfriend. I need to find a job and maybe move out someday. You need your privacy,” I insisted, trying to make her understand.

Layla grumbled but eventually accepted. “Fine, you win. But today, you're not looking for a job. We’re going out, just the two of us, even if it's just for the last time,” she declared.

“As you wish,” I agreed, smirking, and Layla squealed with excitement.

“I’ll go get dressed. Just give me a few minutes,” she said, rushing into the room.

In no time, Layla emerged, dressed and ready, with a contagious smile on her face. “I'm ready. Today will be awesome, I’ll make sure of that,” she said, grabbing her bag.

“And Danny? Isn’t he coming? Come to think of it, I haven’t seen him today,” I recalled.

“Danny started his job today,” Layla informed me.

“That’s great. I’m happy for him,” I replied.

“Yeah...” Layla’s demeanour suddenly fell.

“Okay, out with it. What’s bothering you?” I asked, noticing her change in mood.

Layla looked up at me, confused. “Don’t you think I have tried to ask, but he keeps on telling me to trust him, and that the pay is good,” Layla answered.

“Then trust him. You’re just being paranoid. Danny loves you, so don’t overthink it. Focus on your job. So, tell me when you’re starting,” I prompted.

“In three days,” Layla replied, and I smiled.

“Great. Then focus on that and don’t bother yourself with something that’s just in your head,” I advised, and she nodded, smiling.

“You’re right. I’m just overthinking. I’m sure it’s nothing. We should go,” she said, pulling me out of the apartment.

Layla and I explored the city, and I loved every part of it. We visited every new place the map suggested until nightfall. We ended our night at a bar, enjoying the best cocktails I’d ever tasted.

As we sipped our third glass, the bartender announced, “Last call.”

Layla and I were surprised, as bars like this back home never had last calls.

“One more glass of this cocktail,” I requested, ignoring his announcement.

“I’m sorry, I can’t get you another. You heard me say last call,” the bartender replied, his expression unreadable.

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