Chapter 63

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Jason's POV

With anger coursing through my veins, I marched back into the party, my jaw clenched tight with frustration. As soon as Helena caught sight of me, she hurried over, wrapping her arms around me and pulling me to her side.

Thank goodness for alcohol; with each glass I finished, the weight of the night became a little more bearable. But despite the temporary distraction, I couldn't shake the weight of Jace's words. They echoed in my mind, taunting me.

'' It couldn't be possible that Amara would betray me like that,'' I said to myself.

As the night wore on, my father took the stage, his presence commanding the attention of the room. "Ladies and gentlemen," he began, his voice resonating with authority and expectation. "I know you are all aware of why we are gathered here, but tonight is not just about celebrating my son's birthday. Tonight marks a significant occasion as Jason will announce his bride-to-be."

A hush fell over the crowd as my father's words sank in, anticipation crackling in the air like electricity. "He will officially announce the beautiful Helena as his bride-to-be," my father continued, his tone brooking no dissent as Helena smiled beside me. "

As it is the Russo's custom, the beautiful couple with take the stage, they will share a dance, and maybe a kiss, then Jason will present her with the ring."

Applause erupted from the crowd, and my father bellowed,


My father's authoritative voice reverberated through the room. Helena gracefully extended her hand to me with a soft smile.'' It is time,'' she whispered, as she urged me to lead her to the stage

But I found myself rooted to a spot. Lucas's counsel echoing in my mind, urging me to do the right thing. And there, amidst the grandeur of the occasion, my gaze unknowingly found Emily tucked away in the corner, her presence a beacon of clarity amid chaos.

At that moment without thinking, I moved pushing through the crowd until I got to her, she was shocked but before she could get her words out, I wordlessly clasped her hand in mine, pulling her without warning to the heart of the dance floor.

I paid no heed to the astonished murmurs of the guests swirling around us, my entire being focused solely on Emily, whose eyes widened in astonishment.

"What are you doing? I'm not the one you're supposed to bring here. I don't even know how to dance," she whispered, her voice a delicate murmur tinged with nervousness, her body trembling slightly in my grasp.

I held her close, my voice calm and reassuring. "I know, but trust me," I whispered back, my gaze meeting hers with a sincerity that I hoped would ease her worries. "Just follow my lead."

With gentle guidance, I began to move with her, our steps falling into rhythm with the music. Despite her initial hesitation, Emily soon began to relax in my arms, her movements becoming more fluid as she surrendered to the dance. As we swayed together, as I felt the warmth of her skin beneath my arms and her delicate features nestled against my chest, it was as if the world around us had frozen in time, leaving only the two of us in our private moment.

"Happy birthday," she whispered, her voice soft and intimate, carrying a depth of emotion that resonated within me. For the first time today, those simple words held a deep meaning for me.

She looked up at me, her eyes shimmering with nervousness. Despite the thumping music that filled the room, I could hear her heartbeat echoing loudly in my ears.

"What are you doing, Don Jason? I am not supposed to be here; this is definitely going to end badly," she whispered with fear in her eyes.

"I'm willing to take that chance," I replied, my voice low and husky with desire. Leaning in, I claimed her lips in a fervent kiss, letting my actions speak the desire I felt for her.

My bold move caught her off guard, evident in the way her body tensed momentarily as our lips met, but it was only for a few seconds. Then, Emily's lips yielded to mine, her body melting against mine in a rush of passion. In that fleeting moment, everything else faded away; it was just the two of us.

Lost in the sweet embrace of our kiss, time seemed to stand still. The world around us faded into insignificance, the music fading into the background as our bodies moved in perfect harmony.

I deepened the kiss, wanting more of her. Emily's hands found their way to my hair, her fingers threading through the strands as if to anchor herself to the moment.

With a whispered sigh, she pressed herself closer to me, and I could feel the heat of her skin against mine, igniting a fire that had been smouldering between us. It was a moment of raw, unbridled passion, a silent confession of feelings that had long been denied.

Kissing Emily was unlike anything I had ever experienced. It was as if every nerve in my body had come alive, ignited by the intoxicating warmth of her lips against mine. At that moment, I never wanted it to end; I wanted to drown in the sweetness of her embrace forever.

But as the old adage goes, all good things must come to an end. Emily pulled away from me, her breathless whisper barely audible over the pounding of my own heart. "This is wrong; this is so wrong," she murmured, her words tinged with regret.

I reached out to her, desperate to make her stay, but she pulled away, her eyes filled with agitation and uncertainty. And then, in that split second, Amid the swirling crowd, I saw it_ a masked figure with a gun pointed towards us.

I instinctively moved to shield Emily, pulling her behind me just as a gunshot rang out. One bullet grazed my shoulder, but I ignored it, focusing only on protecting her.

Get down!" I shouted, pushing her to the ground as chaos erupted around us. but as I was about to get Emily to safety, another bullet hit me in my abdomen, sending a searing pain erupting through my body, and suddenly, everything went dark. The chaos around me faded into silence as I crumpled to the ground, the world spinning out of control. Through the haze of pain, I felt Emily's hands on me, her voice a distant echo in the darkness.

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