Chapter 17

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Marco's POV

I struggled to contain the seething anger within me, but it consumed me nonetheless. The Russos. They were behind the restaurant shooting, I knew it without a doubt. My family and theirs had battled for control of this city for as long as memory serves. They'd seize any opportunity to strike at us, and I'd do the same in return.

" But how did they know I'd be there?" I muttered to myself, glancing at Emily, trembling beside me.

I immediately pulled her close, whispering, "I've got you... I've got you."

Stroking her hair, I tried to calm her, signalling the driver to hasten to her apartment. I needed to get her home, to safety, and it pained me to see her endure this.

The car screeched to a halt outside her building, the sound piercing the quiet street. My grip tightened on her hand as I felt her tense up again.

"Go inside and lock the door," I instructed firmly, my voice unwavering.

"But Marco, I—" she started, only to be silenced by the urgency in my gaze.

"Trust me, Emily. Please," I pleaded, desperation lacing my tone as I gently kissed her forehead.

With a reluctant nod, she exited the car, and I waited until she entered the building before signalling the driver to drive off.

"What's the plan, boss? Heading home?" the driver inquired, and I exhaled heavily.

"Yes, I need to talk to my father," I replied, and soon we were on our way to my house.

Getting home, I headed straight to my father's office. As I barged in, I found him standing by the window, casually sipping a drink.

"You're back, son. I must admit, I didn't expect you so soon," my father remarked, turning his attention toward me.

Ignoring his comment, I hurried to the drink stand, poured myself a drink, and downed it in one gulp, wasting no time in pouring another.

I had already downed three glasses and was reaching for the fourth when my father intervened.

"Are you planning on finishing that bottle, or will you finally tell me what's troubling you? Is it about the shooting at the restaurant?" he asked, his tone firm.

I was taken aback that he knew about it. "How..." I started, swallowing hard, "How did you know about the shooting, Father?" I asked, moving closer to him.

"I know everything, my son. Nothing escapes my notice in this city," he replied calmly.

Nodding, I took a seat, trying to contain the anger that had consumed me tonight.

"I'm just so furious, Father. Those damn Russos... When will we finally get rid of them?" I exclaimed.

"Very soon, son. With your plan, we'll finally infiltrate their inner circle, and then we'll know exactly how to destroy them for good," my father said with a smile.

My father's words sparked chaos in my mind, as the plan I had proposed no longer felt right.

"Father, there has to be another way to infiltrate their inner circle without resorting to my methods," I voiced, feeling the weight of uncertainty.

My father's reaction was immediate, his anger palpable. "This was your plan, son. You wanted to execute it. What changed?" he demanded.

"I just feel using her to do our dirty work will end badly," I expressed, sensing my father's escalating anger.

Before I could react, the glass in his hands came hurtling towards me.

"Father!" I screamed in shock.

"The next one will be aimed directly at your head," he threatened sternly, and fear gripped me as I shivered involuntarily, but I fought to conceal my fear, refusing to show weakness in front of my father.

"We're at war, son. Remember what the Russos took from us. You'd better get your head in the game unless I would have to do it for you," he asserted.

"I don't know what has gotten into you. Are you developing feelings for that girl?" he questioned, leaving me at a loss for words.

"I don't care what your answer is. I want those feelings gone. She's just a pawn in our game, nothing more. You need to prioritize your family and set our plans in motion," he declared firmly, leaving me no choice but to nod in agreement.

"I'm sorry for questioning you, Father. You're always right. The Russos have to pay for everything they've done, and she is the way we're going to achieve it," I conceded, hoping to appease him. My father's lips curled into a satisfied smile.

"Good. It's good that you're back to your senses. Now, I give you two months to have that girl eating out of your hands," my father declared, setting a strict deadline.

"What? Two months? That's not enough time to have her do our bidding, Father. I need more time," I protested, feeling the pressure of the deadline.

"Two months, Marco. That's all I can give you. I believe it won't be difficult to accomplish within that time. You're a ladies' man, so use that to your advantage," my father reasoned, leaving no room for negotiation.

"Fine, I'll do as you say. She'll be ready in two months," I conceded with a frown, resigning myself to the task.

"Perfect. Now, leave. I want to be alone," he dismissed me, and I complied, exiting his office with a heavy heart.

Still weighed down by my father's words, I retreated to my room, seeking solace in silence. But before long, my sister barged in.

"Marco!" Kenna, my little sister, exclaimed as she jumped onto my bed.

"What do you want, Kenna?" I grumbled.

"I'm bored, and Father won't let me go out with my friends. So, I'm here. Keep me company, brother," she pleaded, and I let out a groan.

"I'm not in the mood, Kenna. I have a lot on my mind," I sighed, trying to convey my seriousness, but she grumbled nonetheless.

"Wait, is it about the girl you and Father were talking about? Is my brother in love?" she asked, excitement lacing her voice.

"Kenna! how much did you hear?" I scolded her.

"Well, not enough," she replied, rolling her eyes.

"Anyway, don't let Father dictate your life. If you like this girl, be with her. Don't let Father stop you," she advised, giving me a warm hug.

Her embrace somehow made me feel better, and I found myself smiling without realising it.

"Thank you, Kenna, but it's more complicated than you think. You wouldn't understand," I said, trying to downplay the situation.

"Love is complicated, my annoying brother, but it doesn't stop us from falling for someone, does it? And you know what? I can't wait to meet the girl who has you like this. She must be one of a kind," she said before leaving, her words lingering in the air.

But deep down, I knew my desires didn't matter in the grand scheme. Bringing down the Russos was all that counted, and Emily was going to help me do it.


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