Chapter 1: Izzy's Pov

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"Beep" "Beep" my alarm chimes, signaling me to get up for school. I groan and roll over to my side to hit the snooze button for the fourth time when my mother knocks on my door, "Isabella, so help me god if I have to break that phone of yours to get you up I will!" She scowls. I cuddle my stuffed bunny one more time before rolling off my bed and into the floor with a thud. "Aw shit", I mumble while rubbing my knee. I check the time and see I have exactly thirty-two minutes until I have to leave and forty-six until I have to be at school. I grab some gray baggy sweatpants that barely fit my five- seven frame anymore, a blue tank top, and a white off the shoulder sweater. I tie my pin straight brown hair into a slick-back ponytail and put my reading glasses on.

"ISABELLA, I HAVE WORK IN HALF AN HOUR AND YOU NEED TO DROP ME AT THE TRAIN!!", my mother yells from downstairs. "ONE SECOND IM JUST FINISHING PUTTING ON MY MASCARA." I yell from the bathroom. I slide on my sneakers and scurry down the stairs into the kitchen, where my fourteen year old brother, Teddy, is sitting at the table scarfing down a half-burnt strawberry pop tart. "Hey buddy, isn't the bus here in like two minutes?" I ask him as he looks up at me. "Yeah I'm just about to-, he starts before the bus honks outside our house. "Bye Izz, I'll see you later !",Theo says with a mouthful of pop-tart.

I race out the door and meet with my mother who is leaning against the passengers side with an irritated look on her face. "Isabella Elizabeth Nott, me and your father, may he rest in peace, did not move out entire lives from Ireland to America for you to be late almost every day to get the education we did not get." The same speech I've been given since I was old enough to talk. My parents moved to America when they were newly married, and than had me four years later. "Mom, can we not do this today, please?" I ask, rolling my eyes. "Fine, but only because you're making me and yourself late."

I drive out of our neighborhood, most people that live here have lived here their whole lives, including my obnoxious neighbor across the street, Matt Blake. His parents made my family feel so welcome when we first moved into this neighborhood from the city when I was in second grade, Matt and I got along, but we were never really close, because while he played football and tag with the boys in the neighborhood, I read books and played field hockey (because of my mother). We were "friends" until 7th grade when he told the whole school about my crush on Cole Carr, after that I never spoke to Matt because he would constantly tease me and get in my skin, so we became "enemies". And I prayed he didn't see me this morning or my mom would offer him a ride instead of him getting the bus every day because his parents both worked full time.

Luckily he wasn't there and had gotten the bus.
I dropped my mom off at the train and she said the same phrase to me that she has since my dad's funeral, "Every day, in every way, wonderful things are coming my way." I liked to think that those "wonderful things" are that I don't have to see Matt ever again that would truly be wonderful.

I drove to the school and arrived at exactly 8:17 am, with three minutes to spare I walked across the parking lot and hoped that wonderful things were coming my way.

I will be posting Matt's part next 💕💕

P.S the parts are most likely all going to be around 650-700 word each but im making a lot of parts and tell me if there are any mistakes its being edited a lottt, Thank You Loves, Love Ava xx 💕💕💕💕💕💕

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