Part 5: Izzy's Pov

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"Hello?", I call out knocking on the nurses office. "Over here, sweetie!", Mrs. Evans calls out for me from behind her desk. Mrs. Evans is my dads younger sister who moved from Ireland when she was 23, she checked in on me every day when she heard the news about Dad, she's also the reason we moved to Massachusetts after Dad died . "I heard what you did, between you and me I think they're all just overreacting. It was just a mistake I don't know why you needed a detention." She scowled shaking her head. "It's all good though cause I get to talk to you for hours instead of being in an office doing nothing for an hour." I said letting out an aggravated breath.

The game starts and I'm standing on the sidelines wearing Cole's jersey and some pink lipstick on my cheeks, don't judge me I've never been to a football game before! The first half of the game was smooth-ish except I saw Matt on the field and he was glaring at Cole as if he just murdered his family in front of him.

Me and Cole make eye contact and he winks while blowing me a kiss. "Hey babe you look really hot in my jers-, Cole starts before he gets cut off by Matt tackling him to the ground. Matt stands up and grabs Cole by his jersey, "Bro what the fuck was that for?!" Cole says squinting up at Matt while holding his knee. "Go take a shower to cool off." Matt hisses at Cole, letting go of his jersey. Cole's eyes widen but he brushes it off when he takes his helmet off and whacks Matt in the side of the face with it.
The crowd goes silent as Matt stumbles onto the floor, holding his bleeding face. "Holy shit, Matt, are you okay?"Will says running over to his side. "Cole, just fuck off and play the game, I'm bringing him to the nurse, I'll come back for you later, that's a promise!" Will snaps at him.

I run over to the scene with Maddie at my side, she takes hold of Will's hands to try to get him to calm down and not end up killing Cole on the spot. "Hey Izzy, I'm gonna try to calm Will down and get him to focus, you think you cold take Matt to the nurses office, please?", she asks with pleading eyes, "Y-yeah of course.", I say while trying to grab Matt's big body off the floor from being trampled.

We get inside the building, while Matt starts mumbling nonsense and blood starts trickling down the side of his mouth and forehead. We finally get inside the nurses office where I sit Matt down while Mrs. Evans grabs the first aid kit. "You plonker, what did you do?!", Mrs. Evans scowls while cleaning out Matt's cuts. "I-he was talkinnn' about ma gurl.." Matt slurs out, he definitely has a concussion. Wait who's his girl? "Honey, I'm going to go grab some more ice packs in the cafeteria, can you make sure he doesn't fall asleep?" "I-sure, just be quick, i-in case something else happens!"

Mrs. Evans leaves the room in a haste, no woman her age should be going that fast. I finish the bandages on Matt's head as he tilts his head back. He moves his head to the side and starts giggling like a child when i keep pulling his face back. "Matt for fucks sake, stay still or I will slap you." , I say glaring at his bruised features. "Y-you're too good for him-m", he slurs out as grab more bandages. "Matt what are you talking about?" "He was ki-kissing Sadie in the lockers before the ga-game." I stare at him in shock, there's no way Cole kissed her, he loves me, Matt just has a concussion and has no idea what hes saying. "Matt, you're hurt, you don't know what you're saying." "I always know what I mean when it co-comes to you, M-ma." he says giving me a sloppy grin. MA??!! Okay, what is going on he has serious brain damage now, what the literal fuck is going on right now, Cole isn't cheating on me, and that's just his concussion talking.

I go to stand up when the thought rushes into my head, Sadie cornered me in the hall today saying that he was using me, and now Matt says he saw them, this can't be a coincidence. The tears start to blur my vision when I realize that Cole really did kiss her, of course he did, she's perfect, and i'm far from it. The tears are streaming down my face in a hot stream, when I feel warm fingers brush against my puffy face. "Yo-you're perfect, he was too fucking stupid to se-see it" He pulls me down on against his chest, so I'm now straddling him, I try to get up and make myself seem like i'm fine, because it's not the best feeling crying in front of your enemy, when I realize he fell asleep. Shit.

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