Chapter 19

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A/N - As few peeps didn't understood so I am gonna explain it here that whatever I wrote in italics in the last chapter was actually was their past. So when Ishan was telling that Vanilla is bland udhr se sab flashback tha

From now on as well whenever I will use italics in the chapter it will be for the purpose of showing their past


"Woah your company is so big," Ishan gasped seeing the 20-25 floors building. Shubman shrugged pulling the lad inside.

The watchmen gave a small salute to Shubman letting him inside the firm along with Ishan who was busy looking at the infrastructure in amazement.

The firm was really a sight to behold. All the infra was so unique and amazing.

Meanwhile Shubman had his eyes plastered to his favorite sight, watching Ishan opening his mouth sometimes whenever he got excited seeing a unique artifact. He was like a child in amusement park.

Shubman let him wander around the whole reception area which was empty at this time. And when Ishan was done they moved towards the lift area.

"Why isn't anybody here?" Ishan looked up at Shubman.

"It's night time, past the working hours. Only those who wish to work over time stay in the office. A few people might be still working on their workstations," Shubman shrugged walking inside the elevator with Ishan. All the guards took other lift.

"I thought your room would be on the top floor like in the movies." Ishan said when Shubman clicked 5th floor button.

"Yk in movies they end up having sex in the elevator. That's the purpose of having it in the top floor so are you suggesting f—"

"Noo! I-I didn't meant it like's just the panoramic view from top, having the skyline view of the city. That's why I asked," Ishan looked away embarrassingly.

"Why do I need a skyline view of the city when I can easily have the best view of my world?" Shubman muttered.


"Nothing, let's go." Shubman said when the elevator dinged.

Ishan followed Shubman down the corridor to his office. He saw two people still working on their seats. When they saw Shubman walking past their workstations they stood up in respect. Shubman just nodded back in response.

'So everyone respects this bastard huh? Only if they all know the true facade of him.' Ishan scowled.

"This is your room?" Ishan asked when Shubman opened the door of a certain room. It was very spacious and had  modern touch. Ishan looked at the office in awe.

"Yeah, my office." Shubman shrugged walking inside while Ishan drank in the sight of his office.

"Who is she?" Ishan asked when he noticed a woman sitting on the couch.

"Aisha? What are you doing here at this time?" Shubman furrowed his eyebrows.

Aisha jolted sitting upright.

"Sir we were discussing about the last week's supernormal losses when you went out for an emergency. So I was waiting for you," She said showing all the files and the one she was working on.

Shubman nodded his head remembering what he was doing before Ishan called him telling it was an emergency.

"I think I was done explaining to you about everything. You just have to draft a copy for it and give it to me tomorrow. You can go now" Shubman dismissed her looking at Ishan who was watching the girl intently.

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