Chapter 21

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It was a special day. All the children were dressed in their best clothes, acting all cutesy and innocent.

Ishan was also excited, shouting everywhere that this time his parents will be coming to take him back finally.

Well talking about Ishan, Shubman had gotten this weird obsession of staring at him everytime. Whatever that kid was doing Shubman would be staring at him. This habit started because Shubman would always be lying alone on his bed all the time and seeing him alone Ishan would run to him, sharing his toys, his food and things.

Everything he had at that moment, he would just ask if Shubman wanted it, just to make him smile.

Shubman would act indifferent but from inside he would grinning at his behavior. And would take glances at him whenever he was busy with something else.

One thing Shubman realized was that Ishan would always love to help the elders just to hear "good boy" from them. Most of the miss loved him and the warden also had a soft spot for him.

What they all didn't noticed was the silly pranks Ishan would do to whoever bullies him. Those pranks didn't hurt anyone but still gave a good laugh to Ishan.

He was a mischievous little kid.

Right now as well, he was jumping on his bed.

"Can you stop it? Because of you, my bed is shaking as well." Shubman growled making Ishan pout and sit down while muttering a soft sorry.

Shubman's bed wasn't shaking. He was just worried the kid will end up hurting himself. But he won't accept it. After all he hate this orphanage and all the children.

"Shubman are you not going to change your clothes honey? Wear something more sophisticated, the elders live it when children are dressed up." One of the miss said coming to him.

"This special day isn't for me, all the couples coming to look for a child won't  be choosing a 10 year old. They will be going for those 1-2 years old or maybe till 5-6 years old but nobody after that." Shubman scoffed.

"It's not like that honey, Ishan why don't you tell him the story of the bhaiya who shared the bed with you for a month." She said pulling Ishan in her arms.

"Yes! Raj bhaiya were 15 yrs old and were just here for a month he got adopted within a month. Miss is right, if you are a good boy you will get par—"

"Abe oh chutku chup hoja, Shubman is right. Nobody adopts the children above 5-6 years. Raj bhaiya was exception because one of his relatives got a change of heart so they adopted him back right away. This good boy and bad boy things is just the lie warden says to discipline us." One of the boy scoffed.
[Shut up kiddo]

"Miss don't worry I trust you and warden. They are not good boys so they don't know the truth," Ishan said hugging the woman with his chubby hands.

"Yeah they don't know the truth," She gave a half hearted smile to Ishan hugging him back. She didn't wanted to break the child's delusion. After all Ishan was such a good baby.

"Should I help you in changing your mattress? When your mom will come she would love it seeing you bed all tidy," She told Ishan who nodded eagerly.

"Mumma loves bear, can we put that bear bedsheet?" Ishan chirped getting off from her.

"Ofcourse baby, let me get the bear bedsheet." She cooed walking away.

Ishan grinned while hugging his crocodile stuff toy. He was sure this time his mother would come.


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