Happy Birthday, Eddie! Part 1/2

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Had you told Yasmina Fadoula that she'd be trekking through a dinosaur-infested island, swatting away an ungodly amount of mosquitos with a whatever-the-fuck-rex hunting her, she would have punched you and run as far away as humanly possible because you'd be insane... But now, as she had been doing it for the past hour since they left the destroyed camp, the only thing keeping her from sitting down for one very long crying session was the thought of reaching Zephyr.

Suddenly... "CRACK!"

Everyone screamed and whirled, Yasmina whipping out Zephyr's hunting knife on instinct. "Sorry, I stepped on a twig," Ben said helplessly, the colour draining from his face when he saw the knife in Yaz's hand. "Don't stab me!"

The others groaned before jumping at the sight of the knife.

"Knife?" Kenji said. "Where'd you get a knife? Your inventory?"

"Where else?" Yasmina replied dryly, tucking the knife back into her pocket. The others blinked at her, their stares incredulous. "Zephyr used it to stick the note to the tree." Rolling her eyes, she asked, "Are we still on our way to the park? I swear we passed that tree three times." They looked at each other. "Cool. And we're lost."

"We wouldn't be if I still had my phone," Brooklynn said, whirling on Sammy. "Because it has a GPS, a compass app, and is also... a phone!" Yasmina had almost forgotten about the damned phone!"

"Maybe—hear me out—just maybe we have bigger problems than a missing phone," Yasmina said calmly. Sammy's expression was coated with shame and gratitude, but Yaz ignored her. She'd deal with the Texan girl once they got someplace safer than the middle of the wilderness. "If you didn't notice earlier, a super pissed-off monster dino is running loose on the island—we are also on that same island, mind you."

"My fellow campers, chill!" Kenji called, spreading his hands and smiling. "We need someone who can make the hard call on what to do next. Since I'm obviously leadership material... I'll do this." Throwing his arm around Darius's shoulder, he said, "And my first decree as a leader is for everyone to stop talking and listen to Darius."

Yasmina rolled her eyes but looked at Darius as Brooklynn told Kenji, "Please, you're just trying to cover up the fact that you're lost, too, Mr VIP." Shaking her head, she finished. "None of us know where we are!"

Naturally, Darius knew where they were. "We're by the Carnotaurus paddock!"

"I thought this place looked familiar," Kenji called as Dino-nerd rushed off. To Yaz and the others, he asked, "Am I an excellent leader or what?"

Crossing her arms and walking past him, Yasmina said, "Zephyr would use you as bait just for being so annoying... I still might use you as bait for being so annoying." Kenji paled before hurrying after Darius, and Yaz smirked at him while Brooklynn stifled a giggle, and Sammy smiled anxiously.

Together, they pushed through the tall grass and came upon a torn-down fence. "I remember the fence," Darius's voice trailed. "The broken, ripped-down fence..." Though she tried not to show it, Yasmina felt like the bottom of her stomach had fallen out—she twisted her amber ring anxiously, her eyes flickering through the trees.

Ben stood beside Darius and whimpered, "That means," he stammered. "That means Toro is out here... with us."

Darius frowned. "Now we have to deal with the Indominus and Toro," he muttered, then jerked up and looked at Ben. "Hold up. How do you know about Toro?"

Yasmina walked between them and towards the fence, still twisting her ring. "We all know," she explained. "Kenji told us, like, the day after it happened." Glancing at the rich kid over her shoulder, she grinned wickedly. "Zephyr was not happy you guys hurt him." At least Kenji had the grace to blush before his face drained of all its colour.

Zephyr | Camp CretaceousNơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ