End of the Line 1/2

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"Fuck," Yaz muttered, blinking away tears and shaking her head as Brooklynn sobbed. What did nervous Ben do that made him deserve a death so horrible? It was too cruel! The kid wouldn't even look at a fly, let alone hurt one! Maybe if she hadn't frozen, she could have done something to help. Would it have been any use? Or could it have been Yaz who died? As despicable as the thought was, she didn't believe she had it in her to put her life on the line for Ben.

"He's just... gone. How is he gone?" Brooklynn whimpered.

Yasmina had no answer for her. So she just tightened her hold on the younger girl. She was not a hugger—or she'd not been before splitting her head—but hugs were meant to offer comfort, weren't they? And Yaz wanted to comfort Brooklynn. It was the least she could do after the pink-haired girl had saved her life. Sammy dropped to her knees as Kenji blinked in disbelief at the jungle passing beneath them, tears leaking from her eyes like a faulty faucet. The little Ankylo squealed, not understanding why everyone was so sad. Why did that make it worse?

"We're going back," Darrius whispered. "The monorail is going back!"

Then, the breaks screeched as they hit a turn, and Yasmina fell back with Brooklynn falling on top of her, hands flying to the back of the former's head to soften the blow. 'How many times is this gonna happen?' Yaz's head still throbbed a bit, but it was definitely less painful than it could have been if not for Brooklynn. "Thanks," Yasmina muttered.

The pink-haired girl averted her puffy eyes and stood up. "No problem," she replied, wiping her tears on her sleeve. A dust of pink coated her cheeks as she helped Yaz up before turning to Darius. "What do you mean, 'going back'?"

"When we switched tracks, we ended up on one headed north," Darius explained. Yasmina followed him into the car with the controls as he said, "We're not going to the south docks; we're going away from them!" Yaz cursed, messed around with the controls, and pressed all the buttons, but nothing worked. "Doesn't anything here work?!"

"We need to get off this damn thing now!"

Brooklynn leaned outside and narrowed her eyes. "Oh! T—The track dips down up ahead!" She fixed them all with a worrying stare. "We can jump there!" Yasmina ground her teeth together, put a bit of pressure on her ankle, lifted her hand and touched her head, then nodded curtly at the pink-haired girl while Kenji and Sammy argued against it.

"Why not? It's the best idea we've got."

The five of them stood on the edge of the car by the broken window and waited for the dip. Kenji sighed and attached Ben's fanny pack around his waist before picking Bumpy up. "Don't die, don't die, don't die," Brooklynn muttered. Yaz cracked her neck and bounced on her good leg, inwardly hyping herself up during Darius's countdown.


Then they jumped, screaming. It took two seconds of falling before they crashed into the grass, rolling. Yaz threw her hands up to shield her head, hoping to offer at least some protection. Then she crashed into a trunk hard. A pain of the like she couldn't believe rocked through her entire body. Brooklynn rolling into her didn't help much, either. When Yasmina dropped her head into the pink-haired girl's shoulder, she gasped to regain the breath knocked out of her.

Brook said, "Yaz! Are you okay? I'm so sorry!"

"I'm... fine," Yasmina gasped out. "You okay?"

"Yeah, I'm okay," she replied, standing up and stepping away from Yasmina. Brooklynn helped the track star up, but it seemed like she was struggling to look at her. "How's your head? You didn't hit it, right?" Yasmina rubbed her belly at the point of impact and blinked at the pink-haired girl.

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