End of the Line 2/2

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Yasmina dropped from the final rung of the ladder stupidly, whimpering as she stumbled back into a wall. It felt like all six-hundred-and-something muscles in her body were on fire. Tilting her head back and gnashing her teeth, Yasmina sighed through her nose and glared at the flashing red lights. Six of them were stuck in this god-awful situation, and it was only her who was getting seriously hurt? Her luck really was terrible, wasn't it?

Actually, when was the last time she'd been lucky?

Golden hair and sky-blue eyes flashed in the forefront of her mind, and Yasmina smiled slightly. 'That's right. I am the luckiest unlucky girl in the world,' she thought, closing her eyes and picturing that blindingly beautiful smile, those lips she'd dreamt of kissing... 'I'm so in love with her.' That much had been clear since the fourth month, but Yaz had still not had the courage to say it out loud, to say it back to Zephyr whenever the blond did.

No, whenever Zephyr said those three short but massive words, Yaz had cut in with a stupid joke or sarcastic remark like "Even if I was a worm?" Guilt twisted within her as she thought about how horrible it would feel to be in Zephyr's place, telling someone that you loved them for over a year without ever hearing it said back... 'That's it. I'm telling her the second I see her. I'm never going to stop telling her.' The others clambered down the ladder just then.

"Still alive?" Yasmina opened her eyes and saw Brooklynn looking at her worriedly—she made a face at the younger girl before accepting the offered hand, wrapping her arm around Brook's shoulder and leaning against her to take the pressure off her fucked ankle. "Just a little longer. You're doing great, Yaz."

"I might as well be Miss Misfortune," Yaz muttered, the pink-haired girl smirking at her as she did. "Hey, do you think I could be a model for a mag about people with shitty luck?"

"You would look amazing on the front page."

Yasmina blinked, impressed. "Great answer."

Kenji led them through the tunnels under the eerie crimson glow of the flashing light. Why was it always red? She did know there was probably a perfectly reasonable explanation for it—blood was red, so maybe most people associated the colour with things that could do them harm or something, and thus, got the fuck out when lights started flashing in alarming shades of red.

Actually, that was a great reason...

'What other reason would there be?'

She was losing her mind in here.

Shaking it off, Yasmina wondered how long it would take until the right tunnel presented itself. Though she wanted to sit down and take a well-deserved nap, she fought that urge with everything she had left and watched as Kenji gave the security gate a look of disdain. "Everything looks different with the lights all freaky like this, okay?" He flew down a tunnel, only to turn around and run down the opposite one before the campers could say anything.

Unfortunately for them, that end had a security gate, too.

In disbelief, he exclaimed, "What?! This wasn't here before!"

"Can't we just have one thing go our way today? Just one?"

"The evacuation," Brooklynn theorised. "The park must be locking down automatically." At that, Kenji groaned angrily before ushering them down a different tunnel altogether, but this one ended with the same sight as before—thick iron bars blocking the path to safety.

Yasmina muttered a curse as Brooklynn leaned her up against a wall of lockers, reaching back to check her head. "Is it hurting?" The track star gave the pink-haired girl a look that screamed, What do you think? "Yeah, silly question. It's just, erm, just stop touching it." Yaz knew it was useless to keep checking, but she couldn't help herself. It felt almost like when you lost a tooth, and your tongue was drawn to the hole; the injury just... fascinated her.

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