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[Jurassic Park]

Gray picked up a bloody hard hat, breathing erratically, but Zach grabbed it from him and swallowed visibly. That he was trying to keep a level head for his brother's sake was super cool in Zephyr's eyes, but there wasn't time for that. Faintly, the trio heard distant growling—it wasn't anything to worry about, just rogue Brachiosaurs. But when Zephyr reassured them about it, it didn't seem to achieve the intended goal all that much. They blinked at her, an increasingly anxious expression creeping onto their faces—though Zach's was more difficult to notice.

Shaking her head with a glance at her radio, the blond popped the ATV's hood and disconnected the battery. When she pulled it out, the boys walked by the double doors barely visible under the dense overgrowth. "Let's head in. I think I can get one of the Jeeps going, but we'll need to come back out and syphon the gas out of this thing." And so they headed inside, finding it hadn't escaped nature's attempts to reclaim the land it was built on.

Zach picked up a large bone from the old Tyrannosaurus display, booted humus and broken glass from a banner by his feet, and, with a slight smile, picked it up and looked at his brother. "You still have those matches?" Gray went through his fanny pack, and Zephyr blinked in surprise when the bushy-haired boy took out a box of matches.

"What don't you have in there?"

Gray grinned at her shyly, making Zephyr wrinkle her nose and ruffle his bushy hair as Zach made a torch for them to navigate the dark. Even though the blond didn't need it—her eyesight had always been frighteningly good, even better than some of ACU's best. The dark never did do much but dim the area to her. Craig always called her "half an owl" because of it. Swallowing her grief for the umpteenth time that horrible day, Zephyr pressed onward. The trio wandered the old Visitors' Centre, with Gray seemingly entranced by a raptor mural.

"My girls are bigger than that," the blond said, standing beside the younger boy. When he looked at her with shock written across his face, Zephyr smirked and winked at him. "Let's keep going, yeah? I'll tell you all about them on the way back to the park." The twelve-year-old boy smiled slightly and nodded before running after his brother.

They plunged deeper into the Visitors' Centre, finding the garage a while after the raptor mural. Zephyr moved to Jeep 29 and popped the hood. Replacing the dead battery with the new one, the blond gestured for Zach to hurry back to the ATV outside with one of the jerry cans and a hose, which he did. Gray was fiddling around with goggles over by the benches, and Zephyr laughed when he was startled by the things turning on and zooming in.

When Zach returned with the gas, Zephyr was tinkering with the engine. With her hands on the bull bars, she gave a pleased groan as she stood up, stretching her back inward and feeling a little like a cat as she did. After clearing the soot from her forehead with the back of her hand, she noticed the teenager gaping at her. Not that she wasn't flattered by it—it made her feel pretty good about herself. Zach realised he was caught, cleared his throat, turned his attention back to filling the tank, and tried to be discrete about the glances he stole in her direction.

"Dude, don't worry, I get it. Pretty girl covered in oil and sweat? I'd look too," Zephyr admitted, laughing wryly as Zach nearly dropped the jerrycan; he caught it and looked at her questioningly. "Yep! I like girls. My girl is out on her own with a bunch of other kids. So, let's shake a leg, yeah?" The teenager made an understanding noise before nodding and promptly ceasing his glances. Shaking her head with another chuckle, Zephyr dropped the hood.

"Alright," Zach said, dropping the can and shutting the fuel flap. "Turn it over."

Gray did as told, and Jeep 39 roared to laugh. "It works!"

Zephyr | Camp CretaceousWhere stories live. Discover now