author's note

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There we go. That's the third novel in the uts series. We only have one more novel before this series comes to an end.

as the characters anu and vineet developed in my head for utcss, so did sana and shrest. i've had a rough understanding of their characters the trope for the novel since the august of last year. this novel has been in the works since then - for 8 months!

in the previous two novels, it was only during the planning process that multiple changes were made. the writing process pretty much stuck to the plan and not much changes were made.

that wasn't the case for utpes. 

during writing, so many changes were made. this was partly because i couldn't type out the entire story in one go. my injury made it pretty difficult for me to do anything, let alone typing. that gave me more time to ruminate over utpes and the third couple of the series.

this book mentions more serious issues pertaining to the internal conflict of the characters. i deliberately didn't discuss it in detail as much as I did in utcss due to the sensitivity of it.

one more thing i'd like to highlight is that i have a very scarce idea about the art world. so much of the art stuff mentioned in this novel is based on what little i know. in case anything is described incorrectly, do let me know.

with all this said,

this book has officially come to an end. a few bonuses will obviously come your way. stay tuned for that

you guys know who the couple for the next book is, right?  ;)

here's a few questions before you leave:

i. if you have had the chance to check out the playlist for this novel, whats your favourite song?

ii. what's your most favourite scene from this novel?

iii. now that the third book of the series is out, do you think you've identified some definite patterns?

iv. has your most favourite uts character changed?

stay tuned and happy reading <3

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