The Evolution of Lana and Asher

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(***One Month Anniversary***)

I walked into my room after coming home from a very long practice session with my coach. I plopped face first into my bed and took deep breath in. Ugh, I've never been more tired in my entire life. I felt a buzzing and checked my phone.

Open your window beautiful.

I smiled a little at the text from Asher. Today is our one month anniversary. I mean yea, it's only been a month, but it feels like so much longer than that. It feels like I've been with him forever. I sound like one of those super cliché teens from one of those romcoms where they date someone for a week and they're automatically in love. I don't know. There's just something about him. Something about Asher that makes me all giddy inside. I have never felt this kind of connection towards someone before. Yes, I'm only a freshman and I'm young and all of that other crap adults will say, but I can't describe it. I'm just so lucky to have him.

I slid open the window and there he was, sitting on the tree branch with a bouquet of roses in one hand.

"Why hello there gorgeous." He said beaming at me.

"Why hello there handsome." I said giving him room to come in. He hopped into my room and placed the flower on my bed and brought me closer to him. He rubbed his nose against mine before kissing me. The kiss was nothing too special but it made my heart skip a beat and butterflies go wild in my stomach. That happens every time we kiss.

He pulled out and smiled at me. Even though we were not kissing anymore, the feeling of his lips still lingered on mine. I smiled back at him.

"So, I have a wonderful evening planned out for us once you get ready." He said poking me in the nose.

"Babe, can I take a nap first? I'm absolutely exhausted." I asked looking up at him. He checked his watch before looking back up at me.

"Yea, you can take a nap. I'll be back in about an hour or so." He said backing up to the window.

"No! Stay with me. Nap with me." I said pouting.

"Ok babe." He said before slipping off his shoes and getting into bed with me.

I woke up to the sound of football and the feeling of Asher stroking my hair. It was a lovely feeling to wake up to. I looked up at him tiredly and smiled.

"Hello sleeping beauty." He mumbled before kissing my forehead.

"Hi." I said slowly, wiping my eyes. "How long was I out for?" I asked sitting up.

"Well, quite a while honey. It's exactly," he checked his phone, "7:33 p.m." He said returning his gaze to me.

"Oh no! Babe, I'm so sorry." I said fully waking up.

"It's ok. I had a plan B. Follow me dear." He said getting up and walking down the stairs. Your parents went out. So I decided I'd do a little moving around in their absence. We got to the bottom of the stairs and I saw what he had done. He layered the floor of my living room with blankets and pillows. There was a movie already set up and Chinese waiting for me.

"How long ago did you do all of this?" I asked smiling up at him.

"Actually a couple minutes before you woke up. I think my stirring and moving around must've woken you up." He said taking my hand and laying me down on the blankets.

"You're literally perfect, did you know that?" I asked looking over at him.

"I've heard once or twice." He said winking at me and starting the movie. As I sat there next to him, eating my Chinese and watching 16 candles, one of my favorite movies, I realized that I had found the best guy in the entire world and I would do any and everything in my power to keep him. I just knew we'd be together for a really long time.

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