One. Simple. Touch

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Sexy Songs. That’s our assignment. To sing a song that makes us feel sexy. Like what? Are teachers even allowed to do that? Are they allowed to give us assignments like that?

“You’re next assignment class, is to pick a song that makes you feels sexy.” Mr. Meyers said before the class erupted into side conversations of excitement. “Now, now class, before you get too excited I’m going to give you the reasoning behind this assignment.” He added before sitting on sage in front of us. “The music business is all about making money. Sexy is selling. Hormone crazed boys and self conscious girls are flocking to superstars that emit the aura of sexy. If you do decide to get into the music industry, you will be asked to… ‘unleash your inner sexy’. And as you know, my class is to prepare you for what the music industry is like. What you are to expect. And how to perform your ass off so people will be wanting to come back for more. That’s my job. And as uncomfortable as this is for me, I must do it. To benefit you pathetic beings. A man’s gotta work for his pay. So, you will be… ‘unleashing your inner sexy’. And do try to outdo yourselves. You guys have become way too comfortable in this class.” He said before hopping off the stage. “And I’m sure this assignment is going to change that.” I looked over at Asher and he winked at me causing me to roll my eyes. The bell rang and I gathered my stuff. As I was walking out of the class Asher grabbed my hand causing me to look at him.

“I think you should skip performance day, don’t want you to get tempted.” He said with a slight smirk.

“Don’t worry about me Asher. If I were you I’d bring a pillow. You know, to cover yourself when your little friends rises a bit when I perform.” I winked at him before walking out of the class.

 I already knew what song I’d do. It was simple decision. Partition by Beyonce. Beyonce is the definition of sexy and talented and beautiful. That woman could do anything. And the song is literally about sex. So, duh. Easy choice. I would be very excited to do this song. For one, I get to sing Beyonce. That’s basically all the reason right there. There’s nothing else I really need to support my argument. 2. I get to wear a hot costume. Looking sexy means feeling sexy. Feeling sexy means being sexy. Being sexy mean freaking A for the project. But, being sexy in a room with my ex-boyfriend. Kind of weird. And things have been really weird between us since our encounter in my bedroom. That sounds way worse than it actually was. “Our encounter in my bedroom”? Really. Anyways, it’s been weird.  Sometimes we’ll give each other looks through our windows. A couple times this week I’ve practiced with my blinds up. And most of this week he’s left his blinds up, and he walks around without a shirt on. So it’s him in sweatpants, sometimes just his boxers. I don’t know what kind of game we’re playing here, but it’s not good. This is not going to end up good. This is going to end up good. Oh No.

Good news that has happened lately. Derek has finally told me why he’s been so busy lately. He’s working on a new project with his band. They are writing new songs and things like that. I think it’s awesome. I’m really happy for him, but I really miss him. I really need him around and he’s not. Like we’ll have dates planned and I’ll be looking forward to them and he’ll be like:

“Oh sorry babe, band has extra practice tonight.” Or

Can’t make it tonight. We got hit with inspiration and the words are just pouring out for a new song.”

It’s just so frustrating. What’s the point of having a boyfriend if he’s never around? That sounded selfish. Ugh. I’m a selfish bitch. I should be proud of him and I am. I’m so proud of him. He’s making his dreams come true. This is what life’s about. Doing the things that make you happy. But, doing him would make me very happy right about now. Even though we both decided to wait until a year of dating before we take that step. That’s how long I waited with Ash. Ugh! This is not about him! This is about Derek. Stop thinking about him.

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