Thrown Back On Stage

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As I walked into my perfect school I held my oversized purse close to my glasses as my sunglasses fit to my face. First day of my senior year. This is the year where I’ve completed all my high school requirements and can focus solely on getting into Julliard. This is going to be an amazing year. I heard the whispers and felt the stares of the people in the hallways. The freshmen couldn’t believe they were actually seeing me in person and everyone else was wondering what amazing this I was going to do next. Over the past 3 years I’ve been the lead in all the school musicals and plays. I’ve performed on stage with a couple celebrities. I’ve been in some magazines. I have everything going for me right now, I just need Julliard. I walked to my locker and slipped off my glasses. I got my schedule and looked it over. I had to make sure I was going to the right classes, you know?

“Um… Lana?” A small voice said causing me to look over. I looked down on this adorable little girl. Well not little, probably a freshman. Her blonde hair fell to her back and her big blue eyes looked up at me.

“Yes.” I said smiling at her.

“Can I have your autograph? I think you’re absolutely amazing.” She said sweetly.

“Of course honey.” I said taking the magazine and signing right under my picture.

“Thank you so much.” She said beaming.

“No problem hun.” I said smiling. She scurried off and one my best friends came up to me. “Hey Jas.” I said closing my locker.

“Hey babe.” She said looping her arm through mine.

“Where’s Clo?” I asked looking at her.

“I have no idea. But our first period classes are right across the hall from each other so I can walk you to class everyday.” She said happily.

“Oh the joy.” I replied sarcastically.

“Oh you love me so shut the fuck up.” She said pushing me.

“Of course I love you.” I said smiling up at her.

“Well here is our stop.” She said looking between the two classrooms and sighing.

“Brighten up buttercup this is going to be an amazing year.” I said confidently.

“One more year then New York.” She said slowly.

“One more year then New York.” I confirmed before turning and walking into my class. It was one of my many performance classes. It was my vocal performance class. As I walked in I smiled at my teacher before turning to scan the rest of the class. My eyes caught onto someone I haven’t really seen in a year. He sat lazily in his chair staring down at his phone. No matter how long I’ve gone without seeing him his sight and presence still messes up with my head and whacks up my emotions even in the slightest way. And don’t even get me started on the way he manages to always look perfect. STOP. Lana, you have a boyfriend. This guy broke your heart. You hate him. As I walked to an empty seat I realized I would have to pass him. So I started walking. He caught sight of me and he looked as shocked, if not more, as me. His lips parted ever so slightly before he closed them again and smirked at me. As I walked by him his fingers gripped my hand ever so slightly causing both breathing and me to stop.

“A whole year and you still look as perfect as you did the first day I looked at you.” He said looking up at me. Since I was rendered speechless I rolled my eyes before pulling my hand away from his and sitting in an empty chair. I sat aimlessly looking through my phone waiting for my teacher to start class.

“Music. The main reason most of you suckers are here anyways.” The man said walking up on the small stage in front of us. “You want to pursue a profession in music. Whether it be a famous singer, or a Broadway star.  You want to sing. And you’re in the right class. I’m Mr. Meyers and this is Musical Performance. Musical performance class you will have a new song to perform every week. I will give you a theme. You will have to do it. So I’m just going to have a little taste of what you guys are capable of before I give you you’re first assignment.” He said happily. “Let’s get started. You…” He pointed at me. “And you.” He pointed at him. “Get up here. State your name and decide on the best break-up song and sing it.” He said before walking off the stage. I got up and walked on. There were two microphones and I picked the one on the right. He came up on the one on the left.

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