Part 17

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*He walked up the stairs of the establishment, tidying up the kitchen... Harleen answered her phone, a call that would be Selina explaining everything to her. Harleen quickly got changed into better clothes to save her friend and was on her way.* "Oswald, you sick freak, I'm gonna murder you!" *Her northern accent came out strongly when she was angry. Within the next 15 minutes, she was there looking into the same window Selina once was. She tapped and got Alex's attention, earning a gasp and a wave from the kidnapped girl. Alex got up and hobbled to the window trying to signal to Harleen to go through the other window. She nodded, swiftly making her way through into the other room. 'Crash!' *"You gotta be frickin' kiddin' me.." *Harleen landed loudly, way louder than expected. The Penguin ran into the room where Alex stood, wide-eyed.* "What was that?" *He furrowed his brows at Alex, getting closer to loom over her.* "I-I don't know! It didn't even come from here!" *Alex pleaded. Oswald turned around to tell the two thugs that trailed behind him to scan the surrounding area. He turned on his heel to face Alex once more,* "I don't know what you're planning, but just know you're not fully recovered which is the ONLY reason I still have you. This is not a kidnapping, this is free will when you get better, it's because I am helping you." *He stated somewhat sternly so she understood. It sure did seem like kidnapping to her...*


*Alfred came into the dining room with two glasses and a nice bottle of champagne. He seemed to be in a rush, but Natalie didn't want him to feel bad.* "Alfred, sit with us! You don't have to be in there alone." *Natalie smiled at him. Alfred looked at her with a bewildered expression.* "Uh, Sorry, Natalie, I'm awfully ill tonight. You wouldn't mind if I go ahead and turn in, do you?" *Natalie checked the time. It was only 5:12..* "Oh, sure... Do you need me to get you anything?" "No Ma'am, Dr. Crane, lovely to meet you. Goodnight, Dear." *He briskly explained as he walked out of the room. She turned back to a confused Jonathan.* "They're very busy people." *Natalie explained, trying to justify their actions. It had been like this for a while, Natalie didn't know Bruce was a caped crusader, all she knew was he had a lot of meetings and late nights. She was still proud of him for working so hard for the family business. With Natalie and Jonathan in the dining room and Alfred running down discreetly to the Batcave, Selena could easily sneak into the kitchen.* 


*She trembled under Oswald's stern tone and stance, worried he would incapacitate her to force her to stay longer. She took a step back, forgetting that her left leg was still in a cast, and toppled over. She screamed as she fell to the ground, the IV ripping out of her and her injured arm hitting the floor. Oswald's eyes widened, and he rushed over to help her up. *"I-I'm so sorry, I didn't mean to scare you."* He knelt down to help her up, but Alex started panicking and waving her good arm at him as tears flowed down her face. *"Get away from me, get away from me please!"* she cried, although now, she took on a more fearful tone than an angry one. *"Alex, you're only going to hurt yourself more, you need to calm down!"* Oswald told her, trying to restrain her flailing arm. But Alex flung out her good leg, kicking Oswald in the chest and sending him flying back. She froze as he glared at her with an angry and shocked face. She had never laid a hand on him, let alone a foot, not even after he had murdered her parents. They both stared at each other for a while, each trying to figure out what to do next. Oswald realized he accidentally made something snap in Alex's mind to make her act out of fear and not anger. Alex was just concerned that Oswald was going to shoot her at this point. Oswald was the first to move, getting up and going over to one of the cabinets. Alex couldn't see over the medical bed, but he came back with a mask attached to anaesthesia gasses. Before Alex could even react, Oswald had the mask on her and forced her to breathe in the gas. She quickly lost all consciousness. Oswald carried her back to her bed, a difficult task with her leg and arm casts, and then fixed her IV. He got a call on his burner phone from one of his men saying there was a vehicle outside the gates of the warehouse that didn't belong to them. Oswald gently squeezed Alex's hand before going to check it out. Meanwhile, Harley peered out of the door of the closet that she had fallen into and had witnessed the whole thing. *"Oh, that fucker,"* She hissed.*


*Natalie poured some of the champagne Alfred brought them into glasses and offered one to Jonathan. He took it happily, needing some alcohol after the day he'd had. *"Would you like to go to my bedroom? There's a nice balcony we can sit and see the city lights from."* Jonathan stood, admiring Natalie's smile. *"Yes, that would be nice."* They had to walk past the kitchen to get to the stairs to the wing of the manor where Natalie's room was, and when they passed it, Jonathan was sure that he saw movement inside. *"Do you have a kitchen staff?"* He asked. Natalie shook her head. *"Nope, just Alfred."* Jonathan frowned and peered into the kitchen. *"Is everything okay?"* Natalie asked him, sipping her champagne. Jonathan shrugged. *"I just thought I saw something... maybe those lunatics at Arkham are rubbing off on me." Natalie couldn't help but laugh at this, making Jonathan chuckle as well as he followed her upstairs. Selena exhaled a breath of relief, hopping down from the top of the fridge. She recognized Natalie and Dr. Crane as the two whom Alex had hit. She decided to follow them to see if they were going to talk about suing her sister and/or Harleen. The last thing she needed was for Alex to end up on the street after losing everything. The streets were Selena's territory, and she was not about to take care of her older sister* 

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now