Part 47

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*"What do you mean?" *He whipped his head around to the men.* "Those crazy bitches right there came up pretending they were from Germany or whatever... Made us buy them drinks pretty much all evening!" *The man huffed, thinking Oswald was on his side.* "No, that's not what I mean. What do you mean about that girl?" *His eyes stared intently into Nicolas'.* "I guess what I mean is they're crazy bitches!" *He laughed loudly alongside Steven. 'BANG BANG.' He shot the two men, not even giving himself time to think about it. The people who couldn't handle it got up and filed out. It left the party with fewer people, but it was still busy.* "Get rid of them." *He made his way closer to the door just in case Alex was caused any trouble. He walked up to Owen, not even bothering to talk to him about it.* "I know she's in there. Just keep a good eye, okay? She's with a Wayne..."*


*"Did you hear that?" *Alex turned to face Natalie and asked her with her face in a slight scowl. Natalie was mesmerized by the pre-performance area.* "Hear huh?" *She asked as her eyes glittered against the lights. Alex shook her head, forgetting about the shots, and continued walking around. Natalie checked the time, 11:06 PM. It was late, but not late for people who came here. She watched Alex seemingly get taken back to old memories. She waited for a second before walking up to Alex,* "Hey, I gotta make a phone call. I'll be over there!" *She pointed towards a more quiet corner of the place. She dialled Jonathan's phone number and pressed call, her eyes darted around with each ring. Finally, the phone answered, A groggy Jonathan was heard on the other side,* "...Hello?.." *Natalie stopped. This was inappropriate. Why was she calling her colleague at 11?!* "Uh... Hey! I was just calling to check up on you!.. And, your washing machine." *Natalie let out a small giggle, the alcohol still rushing through her system.*


*As Natalie spoke to Jonathan on the phone, Alex suddenly remembered her stash of Bourbon, Whiskey, and Scotch. Since nothing had been moved, she wondered if it was still there. Sure enough, under her vanity, she found the bottles, some half full, some not opened. *"Hey Nat, look what I found!"* Natalie's eyes lit up. She quickly finished up her call before joining Alex in downing some shots. By the time they decided they were done, Alex felt really good. So good, that she had an idea. *"Should I go talk to Oswald?"* She slurred. Natalie gasped and nodded. *"YES, you totally should!"* Both the drunk girls giggled. *"Okay, okay, I'm gonna go."* *I might call Jonathan again."* Natalie said *"Go ahead!"* Alex smiled as she left. She found Oswald by the bar and tapped him on the shoulder. Oswald sighed and turned around, but his heart leapt as he saw Alex. *"Oh my God."* Alex giggled and leaned on the bar. *"I want to stay with you tonight."* Oz instantly knew she drank too much. *"My love, you're drunk. I don't want the only reason you want to stay with me to be because you're drunk."* *"Well, Natalie and I are both drunk, neither of us can drive, so I have to stay."* Alex said. Oz hated to admit that was a good reason. *"Well, let's get you to bed then."* The lounge had a few suites upstairs for anyone who needed to stay late, as well as a master suite for himself. He led her to one of the suites, but Alex stopped. *"This isn't your bedroom."* Oz's cheeks heated up. *"You want to... sleep with me?"* Alex nodded excitedly. *"It's been so long since I've slept with you, I miss it."* As much as Oz wanted to tell her no, his excitement was growing at the prospect of holding her in his arms again. *"I-I-"* *"Please?"* Alex pouted. Oz couldn't say no. He smiled and shook his head. *"You're adorable."* The alcohol clouding her mind, Alex pressed Oswald against the wall and smashed her lips against his. Oswald picked her up and walked her to his room, never breaking their kiss. He gently laid her down on the bed, remembering her injuries. *"I've missed you so much."* He mumbled, leaving a trail of kisses down her jaw. Alex only moaned lightly in response, wrapping her arms around him to bring him closer to her...*


*His phone ringing made Jonathan jump and nearly fall out of his bed. He groaned and checked the caller ID. *"Natalie?"* He answered, hoping everything was okay. *"...Hello?"* There was a pause on the other end of the line. *"Uh... hey! I was just calling to check up on you!... And your washing machine."* She giggled softly. *"Oh, Natalie, I can smell the alcohol through the phone. Do you need me to come get you? Where are you?"* He asked, knowing immediately that she was drunk. *"No! No! I'm fine... just wanted to say hi!"* She said. Jonathan heard Alex say something in the background. *"You're with her?"* Jonathan asked, immediately concerned. *"Wait I have to go, I'll call you back. Love you!"* Natalie hung up. Jonathan was stunned. She said she loved him. *"What?"* He asked the darkness. He tried calling her back, but she didn't answer. Unable to sleep now, Jonathan patiently waited by his phone for Natalie to call him again. Sure enough, 20 minutes later, he got another call. *"Wow, there is so much crazy shit happening here!"* Natalie exclaimed. *"Alex is making moves on Ozzy it's INSANE."* Jonathan chuckled. *"Nat, sweetie, that's not good. She hates him."* *"Not when she's drunk!"* Natalie pointed out, giggling excessively. *Natalie, please tell me where you are so I can come get you. You're slammed."* Natalie seemed to think for a moment. *"Uhh, I'm at the Iceberg Lounge. You totally don't have to come get me... but you can if you want."* Jonathan smiled at her silliness. *"I am coming to get you. Be there in ten."* He said. *"Do you want to stay on the phone with me?"* He asked as he threw his coat on over his PJs. *"Yes, I would."* She replied. *"Okay, let's talk."* He said, heading to his car.* 

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