Part 42

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*Oz smirked to himself when he heard Butch tell him someone had seen Alex and Harley at the mall with lots of money. However, he wasn't excited Alex was using her money on Harley. *"I think she might be calling soon, Butch. All she really needed was space!" *He chuckled to himself with this new information. Butch smiled too, but he didn't know if Alex should come back. Then he thought harder, they both loved each other hard. Maybe it would be different this time; better. Butch had always been a sucker for a good love story, though. He sighed.* "You know I miss her too, Boss. She was good to have around." *Normally Oz would kill anyone else who said that about her, she was his and only his, but he knew Butch meant it differently.* "She'll be back soon. Hopefully..." *He looked over and glanced at his phone,* "Definitely." *He confirmed, manifesting her reply in his mind.*


*She pushed herself between him and the door, using her hands to stop him from leaving.* "But if you let me get you a new one, you wouldn't have to leave! You could stay... Longer.." *Her sentence trailed off. She laughed at herself, stepping back and opening the door for him.* "Uh, you're right, Jonathan. Excuse how I'm acting, I don't drink normally.. I'll be seeing you tomorrow." *She gave him a small smile as he left. She flopped back down on the couch and finished her drink. She didn't even move when she heard Alfred come in.* "Miss Wayne, what did we say about getting into the alcohol?" *She laughed at him.* "You get drunk once when you're fifteen, and all of a sudden you can't have alcohol for the rest of your life." *She jokingly mocked. Alfred laughed. Natalie decided to bathe and get dressed up. She threw on a sleek red dress that was casual enough for just an afternoon out. She did her hair and makeup. Maybe she would go out.*


*Once they were finished running around the mall, Harleen and Alex carried their haul to her car. *"Wow, that was so much fun! I haven't had that much fun in ages!"* Alex exclaimed, her face aglow with excitement. *"I know! Thanks for buying me all those pranks! The Arkham staff is going to hate me!"* Harleen giggled. *"Oh, please, you can have some of that money too. I'm not going to use it all."* Alex told her. *"Awesome!"* Harleen exclaimed. *"Hey, we still have some money on us, wanna go eat?"* Alex sighed. *"I'd love to, Harls, but I don't think I can handle much more."* *"Well, there's always tomorrow!"* Harleen said. *"Let's get you home."* They returned to Alex's apartment, and Alex finished watching Silence of the Lambs while Harleen put all their stuff away. *"Hey, I've got to run to my apartment to make sure everything is okay there, can will you be okay here by yourself?"* Alex nodded. But soon after Harleen left, Alex wished she hadn't. She wanted to discuss her conflicting feelings about Oswald with her, so she could talk things out. Between her hallucinations and dreams and her memories and his gifts, she wasn't sure how to feel about him. She needed to talk to someone. Someone who was a good listener, non-judgemental, and kind... *"Shit."* Alex muttered, only able to think of one person like that. But would Natalie Wayne even want to hang out with her? *"Well, fuck it, the worst she can say is 'no',"* Alex told herself, dialling Natalie's number. *"Hey,"* she said when Natalie picked up. *" I completely understand if, um, if this is too forward... or if you just erm, don't want to, but, do you, uh... wanna g-go out tonight?"* 


*Jonathan felt really bad leaving Natalie, but he had to sprint home. He rushed back to his apartment, which took a whole twenty minutes. *"Come on, come on!"* He urged the elevator to take him up. When it dinged, he rushed out, a vial of fear serum in his hand- only to see nothing. He crept through his penthouse slowly, checking each room. Nothing was out of place... until he got to his lab. *"Fuck!"* He exclaimed as he walked into the ransacked room. His toxin had been spilled and the vials were shattered on the ground. Months and months of hard work and development had been destroyed. There was just one thing left to check. He opened the closet door to see Sandra cowering in the back corner, her water bottle raised as if she were going to throw it. When she saw it was Jonathan, she relaxed. *"Are you okay?"* Sandra nodded, but she was trembling. Jonathan sighed. *"Come out."* Sandra slowly stood and approached him. He wrapped her up in a hug, petting her hair. *"Sandra, I'd never let anyone other than myself hurt you. You are practically a daughter to me. And you are extremely important to this research. Someday, you will be recognized for your bravery. But for now, help me clean this up. Salvage what you can."* Sandra nodded and pulled out of Jonathan's grasp, getting to work. *"I am making too many enemies."* He grumbled, looking around. *"At least I still have Natalie."* He hoped she wasn't too upset at his sudden departure.*

The Psychiatrist-The Billionaire-The Crime Lord-The Insecure (A DC Fanfic)Where stories live. Discover now