Part 35

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*Harley whined disapprovingly as she stitched up the cuts Alex had given herself.* "You're givin' me a run for my money, hun." *Alex winced as Harley wiped them with an alcohol pad. Selena scoffed as she scanned the apartment, examining all the shelves.* "He wants to get us for something. I think it has something to do with Natalie Wayne." *Harley frowned, wiping up some of the blood on the floor with a paper towel.* "You think she's in on it? She seemed so nice and helpful. All 'Oh, I'd love to help you! Let me do this and that for you!'" *Harley mimicked the softness of Natalie's voice.* "I doubt it. She didn't mention anything about it when I was listening to them in the manor. Then again, she was all drunk and giggly." *Selena rolled her eyes as Alex cringed at the thought.* "Jonathan Crane is doing something. He came over earlier when I called Natalie to help me with Lucifer." *She told Harleen. Lucifer then made an appearance, running up to Selena and jumping in her arms.* "A cat? Missed me that much?" *She smirked which made Alex roll her eyes.* "Oswald gave me him... That's not the point. Jonathan was just a total ass. He treated me like an idiot, like I was inferior to him." *She explained.* 


*She sighed and blew a piece of her hair out of her face. She huffed as she walked back over to Alfred. He could tell something was on her mind.* "What's wrong, Miss Natalie?" *Natalie rested her head forehead first on the table after she sat next to him.* "Why is it so hard to maintain relationships in Gotham? It's like no one likes me. Am I weird?" *Alfred chuckled and closed the book he was reading,* "Maybe you're normal and everyone else is weird." *Natalie laughed with him.* "Wouldn't that still make me the odd one out? Hey, wanna go get brunch?" *Alfred nodded happily, grabbing his coat and keys and walking them towards the car.*


*"Sure, Dr. Crane is an asshole, but what about Oswald? I mean, he's the whole reason you did this to yourself."* Harley reminded Alex. *"Plus, he caused you some hallucinations-"* *"Hallucinations?"* Selena interrupted. *"You're hallucinating on top of being a psychotic bitch? Great, maybe I should send you to Arkham."* Alex flipped Selena off. *"I'm not psychotic."* *"Please, both of you."* Harleen reeled them back in. *"You both have two common enemies, right? So, you should be working together to take them down. You just need to decide which one you want rid of first."* *"Oswald!"* Alex stated at the same time Selena blurted Jonathan's name. Alex scoffed. *"What? So you suddenly forgot your one-year revenge streak on Oswald?"* *"You were literally just saying how much you hated Jonathan!"* Selena countered. *"I didn't say I hated him, I just said he was being rude! That doesn't mean much of anything."* Alex said sternly. *"What the hell, Alex, suddenly the man who dotes on you all the time is more dangerous than the man who threatens to sue you for everything you have?"* Selena yelled, exasperated at her sister's foolishness. *"BUT YOU DON'T SEE WHAT I SEE?"* Alex shouted, slamming her left fist on the table-a mistake on her part. She screamed and held her arm to her chest. *"Alright, we're done here! We'll pick this up some other time."* Harley told them. *"Selena, it's morning, you should go. And Alex, I have work today, but I'm not leaving you by yourself."* Selena sneered, but left out the window, waving goodbye to Lucifer. Alex watched her leave. *"Harls, I want to walk."* she said, determined to build strength back in her left leg.*"But, Alex, I have work-"* *"Harls, I want to walk!"* *Alex, I can't take care of you if I'm going to keep my job, I'm sorry, but you know how important this is to me. But you'll get into trouble if I leave you here alone. Ugh!"* Alex watched with jealousy as Harley paced the room, her legs perfectly fine.*


*Jonathan threw Sandra back in her closet with a few protein bars and some water. "That's all you're getting because of that little stunt you pulled."* He told her, icing his chin. He decided he was done with his work for the day, so he would roam the streets, looking for Selena Kyle. He had a pretty good idea that she was in the Narrows, but he had never been down there. Sighing, he knew this was going to be quite the trek, so he put on his best walking shoes and a big coat. He didn't want to risk bringing his new car to the Narrows, where it would no doubt get stolen. Jonathan rode down the elevator to the ground floor. He was greeted by many people, but he acknowledged none of them. They were used to that, however. As Jonathan walked down the sidewalk, he looked at the cars passing by on the road, interested to see who was out at this time of day. Normally he was up in his lab, so he had no idea. It looked like mostly rich bitches who had nothing to do but shop while their husbands were in important meetings. He began counting them as they passed by when suddenly, he recognized someone. None other than Natalie Wayne had just driven by him. Jonathan had to do a double take. *"What are the chances?"* He asked himself with a chuckle. He wondered what she was up to.* 

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