Chapter 00

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Whitney's POV

I slipped the letter from my pops in my back pocket. I felt my hands shaking as I took in what I just read. I found a box of letters in the closet that he had been sending over the years that Jake had been hiding from me. I'm assuming to keep me from leaving. I felt tears threaten to spill over but I know if he found me crying the fate that awaited me would be far worse than anything I found in these letters.

My Pops had been working for an Irish crime family all these years as a private physician. The last letter that he had sent me, which was now weighing heavy in my back pocket, told me he know I must be in trouble due to not responding. Pops gave me an address and told me if I needed protection I could make a deal with the devil himself, my services as a trauma surgeon for his family's protection. However if I made that deal I would never get out it would be my life or my inevitable death.

"What the fuck is this!" Jake's booming voice cut me from my thoughts.

I felt the panic rise in me, what had he found, what did he know. If he knew I was even thinking about leaving him the beating I would endure would be far beyond my imagination.

"Jakey what's wrong." I tried to hide the fear in my voice because that only provokes him more.

I could hear the clicking of the keys from the computer in the office. I felt my ice rise in my veins when it dawned on me that I never cleared my search history.

As I rounded the corner from the bedroom I saw Jake's large figure coming from the office. His fist flying through the drywall as he made his way to me. We could kiss our deposit goodbye.

His dark eyes held unbridle rage and it was all focused on me. I saw his arm fly out and felt his fingers wrap around my wild red hair. He ripped me down to the floor by my hair now standing dominantly above me.

"Why were you looking at apartments?" His voice was low and deadly, his sandy blond hair messy from running his hands through it.

"I-I W-was just looking at maybe a change for you and I." My voice was a whisper as I tired to his murderous gaze.

"You lying bitch." His fist collide with the left side of my face sending me sprawling across the living room.

"I'm sorry!" I screamed out just trying to make it stop.

The beating I had endured through the last year were nothing compared to what I felt coming.

"Shut the fuck up!" He screamed at me, sending a boot into my ribs. I felt so pain rip though my chest as the cracking sound echoed through the apartment.

The second kick collided with my face, blood pouring from my mouth and noise. I used my arms to try and claw away from the fury of his feet. His cold hands wrapped around my ankle and he threw my petite body through the glass coffee table causing it shatter into a million pieces.

"I've told you so many times Whitney if your ass even thinks about leaving you are as good as dead." He was oddly calm as he continued to land kicks and punches to my body.

"Is there another guy! Are you cheating you worthless whore!" He screamed into my face

"No Jake I-i-"

"You you you. Shut up!" He screamed at me trying to stutter out an explanation

I watched as he took the knife from his pocket and flip open the sharp silver blade. My breath caught in my throat. The end I had worked so hard to make it so hard through medical school so hard to save people. One bad choice to go on a date with the cute guy down the hall and this is where I was going to die.

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