Chapter 11

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Whitney's POV

I took another glass of champagne and downed it as she watched me. I tried to put distance between us as I am sure this woman had no interest in being friendly judging by the look on her face. Grabbing more champagne I helplessly look around for Declan to save me.

She finally made it to me looking me up and down with a disgusted look when her eyes fell on the ring on my left hand. That ring now felt like it weighed twenty pounds on my hand.

"Um hello I'm Whitney." I sounded less confident than I had planned.

"I know who you are." She sneered

"You're the girl who stole him from me." Acid dripping from her voice.

"I didn't steal anyone." I shot back more confidently this time.

"Well up until a week ago he and I were still hooking up. This should have been my party." This bitch was crazy.

"Well it's not your party, it's mine." This new found confidence was most likely the champagne. I saw rage flaring up in her eyes as she looked me down waiting for me to crack.

"What did he pay you, whore." The word whore burned like a hot iron to the skin. I felt my heart pound in my chest.

"Nothing, we're in love." I spat at her as the lie seamlessly came out.

"We'll see how long that love lasts. Trust me he'll come back to me he always does." She was gloating like some cheap hooker.

"I'm guessing he doesn't even remember your name." I smiled at her and I could see that stung.

She drew her hand back and I was fully ready to feel the sting of that slap coming for me.

"Macey!" His voice boomed causing heads to turn, including her. 

Declan came up to me, placing a hand on the small of my back. I tried not to wiggle from his touch hyper aware of what his hand was touching.

"Do we have a problem here?" His voice was deadly as he looked at her with murder in his eyes.

"No Declan, I was just introducing myself to Miss Keller." Her fake baby voice was laying it on thick.

"Macey, that's Dr Keller to you." The look on her face said it all. I held my half empty glass out to her for her to take for me.

"Be a dear Marsha and hold this for me." I could see the anger returning to her face.

I turned to face Declan and grabbed his face between my hands, crashing his lips down to mine. A thousand volts spread through my lips and down my body with that kiss. He matched my urgency, pulling me in tighter to him, deepening the kiss. Some whistles erupted around us as we pulled apart. My breath was heavy and my heart felt like it was going to thump out of my chest. I turned with a smirk on my face to look at Macey who's face said it all. She let out a frustrated grunt and stomped away still holding my champagne glass.

"Awe were you jealous." His voice was low and his lips brushed my ears sending yet another shock through my body. If we weren't in a room full of people I'm not sure I'd be able to control myself.

"Not jealous just acting the part." I shot him a devilish grin. I watched as his eye met my mischief and knew we were both at a deadlock in this little bet of ours. If we kept this up I'd be barefoot and pregnant before this wedding even arrived.

The rest of the night went off without a hitch. We mingled and Macey stayed far away from me. As Declan was lot in conversation with some scary looking man about an upcoming "charity" event, aka criminal gathering, that we would be attending I slipped off to find more alcohol.

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