Chapter 09

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Declan's POV

"What the fuck did you do?" Tommy asked, plopping himself down on the chair.

"Something really fucking stupid Tommy boy." I sighed, putting my head in my hands letting out a frustrated groan.

"I take it your proposal didn't go as planned?" I could hear the humor in his voice. He told me before I did this that I needed to tread carefully and I didn't listen. I just came in like a goddamn wrecking ball.

"Tommy, I just don't know how to be that person. The soft caring person that handles people with kid gloves." I've hurt her so much this week I doubt she would ever view me as anything more than her capture.

"What did you say?" He raised an eyebrow watching my moves as I poured a glass of scotch from the bar cart next to me. Quickly downing that one I let the liquid burn the back of my throat.

"I threatened to lock her up if she didn't say yes." I sheepishly told him and watched a mix of emotions cross over him.

"How the fuck you think that was going to work out?" He questioned and for once he was right. I didn't tell him her reaction to that. The horrific situation that she had experienced before. She wasn't scared she'd done that song and dance before but she was hurt. The wild look in her eyes like an animal backed into a corner.

"Can we talk about something else right now? I need to clear my head." I resorted, not wanting to continue this conversation.

My father was clear last year if I wanted the family business fully on paper to be mine and mine alone I needed to take a wife. He gave me a two year time frame and the clock was ticking when Whitney arrived. I had six months left. I told my parents yesterday that I found "the one" gagging on that choice of words some. They were over the moon and got to work on the engagement party and announcements. When I told them she was a doctor, our new doctor to be exact I don't think I'd ever seen them more proud of me. I probably should have looped Whitney in before this but we had the fight after losing Trevor. He was just a kid and I was so mad I just lashed out without thinking about the consequences.

Whitney was right, death happens especially in my line of work. Especially when I was all but at war with the Americans.

"Yes we can, what would you like to do with the American that's in the basement?" We had caught the guy responsible for harming Trevor and brought in him tortured him for days pulling any and all information with him along with his fingernails. This one was a pussy he cracked so fast crying and begging for his worthless life.

He made a point to tell us Jacob didn't only want Whitney back he also wanted to bring us down in the process securing the east coast for himself. Even if he were able to bring us down he would never be able to achieve the alliances we had with the Russians.

"I want you to send him his head in one of those fancy gift boxes and put this rolled up in his mouth." An evil smile crept to my face as I slid an engagement announcement over to him.

Tommy's face lit up like a small child on Christmas Day. I knew he would love that he's alway been one for the dramatics.

"You, my Irish friend, are an absolute genius." He took the announcement from me tucking it securely in the inner pocket of his jacket and all but skipping away.

I sat there in the quiet contemplating how I was going to make up for being such an ass to Whitney. I didn't want to hurt her. She was the last person I wanted to see hurt. Sometimes my anger just takes over me and I become a person I don't even like.

After grabbing the bag of very expensive sushi from the doordash driver I took a deep breath. Mulling over in my head just what I would say to her. Slowly making my way to her door I softly knocked on it. No answer, turning the handle I noticed it was locked. Panic took over me knowing what a fragile state she already was in.

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