Chapter 08

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Whitney's POV

"May the road rise to meet you. May the wind be always at your back. May the sun shine warm upon your face. May the rains fall upon your fields. And until we meet again, May God hold you in the hollow of His hand." The service was beautiful and truly the largest I've ever seen.

People from all over lined the large cathedral. I sat in the back with my head down. I felt like a fraud sitting among the large groups of people. Declan's words racked in my brain.

'What do you mean you can't do anything fucking else!'

'Declan his heart is too weak, his injuries were too severe.'

'Really! What fucking good are you if my men die under your care!'

'Death happens there is absolutely nothing more I could have done for him!'

'If you can't do your goddamn job maybe I should just send your ass back!"

"Whitney!" Bridget's voice brought me back to reality.

"Hmm." I looked up at her in her stunning black bodycon dress. Making me feel wildly under dress and very inadequate.

"I've been calling your name for like five minutes. How are you holding up?" The concern on her face told me she had probably heard about or fight. Tommy and Jessie both witnessed it and surprisingly enough Tommy stood up for me.

"I'll be okay not my first time losing a patient." I told her making my way outside

"You know what I'm talking about." She urged looping her arm through mine.

"Yea he was just...angry...I hope." My mind couldn't help but think about it.

"He was, Declan has never been one to control his anger well and he doesn't handle loss well." Her eyes held a sadness I couldn't quite place.

"Yea I picked up on that." I gave her a small smile.

"Besides, he won't be able to stay mad at you." She gave me a reassuring smile.

"He was pretty damn angry I don't know." She drug me along to her car so we could make our way back to the house.

Once we made it home everyone disappeared into their own space. Bridget mentioned that she was going to check in on Shane apparently they had been an on and off thing for years.

I sat on my bed looking out the window, a small tear escaping down my cheek. I know Bridget said he was just angry and lashing out but his words were etched in my mind. He didn't hit me but his words hurt just as much.

"Hey Doc." Jessie swung my door open like he owned the place.

"He Jess, what's up?" I quickly pulled myself together, stuffing down all the emotions that were threatening to boil over.

"Declan wants to see you in his office." He offered a small apologetic smile.

"Okay I'll come down in a minute." Jessie left without another word and I paced the room.

What if this was it and he was sending me back? What if I was walking into an ambush and Jake was here waiting for me? My breathing hitched and I started to feel light headed. Finally gathering the courage I made my way to the office. It felt like my final walk, like I was walking the plank to certain death. I accepted a long time ago I wasn't going to make it out alive, that is until I ran I just started to have some kind of peace.

Before I could even knock on the door he told me to come in. Like he had some kind of superpower and knew I was standing there.

"You wanted to see me?" His dark hair was a tossed mess somehow making him look more incredible. His glacier eyes looked tired and dull like he hadn't been sleeping.

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