Chapter 24

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Declan's POV

"Thank you for coming gentlemen. As you know my fiancé has been taken by Jacob Gray and I have every intention of getting her back." I watched as both Enzo and Ivan sat there cold and unbothered by my words.

The fact that they even agreed to show up was quite the feat. Usually we didn't involve each other with personal feuds unless it had to do with an actual war or something was in it for them. I knew asking for their help wouldn't come without a hefty price.

"Yes my boy but as you know this won't come without some kind of compensation for us." Enzo's thick italian accent made him seem that much more menacing.

"And I trust you have a plan to get her back that won't end with us all killed." Ivan chimed in looking me over.

I knew the minute they walked in they would be judging me and plotting to get something from me. They both had been wanting more territory and I knew they had hope I would give them some if not all of mine. I had spent most the night in the office with Tommy and Jessie while my men prepared to come up with a plan and a deal we could make. If the offer wasn't enough both leaders would leave and take their men with me. I'm sure we could manage without them but with them we would be an unstoppable force.

"I understand I'm asking a lot of both of your families but trust me I have a plan that will work and be lucrative for both of you." I smiled back at them silently praying they would both accept my offer.

Pulling the blueprint from my desk I laid it out in front of them. Highlights and various notes and outlines littered the page like the ramblings of a madman. In my defense I hadn't been sleeping so my brain was quite hazy. I took a deep breath before I dove into the elaborate plan.

"Each color represents a section of the hospital. Enzo you are red, Ivan blue and myself green. We know she's being hidden at the hospital in a chest large enough to fit a person. The last time I was in that hospital was in my teen years and it's fairly empty so something like that will stick out. We will all breach on my command, blowing out windows and doors. We will use tear gas and smoke to help us maintain cover, anything that moves us down. I have it on good authority most of his men are there guarding the place so it's of utmost importance we maintain the upper hand. Once Gray is found I want him taken but not killed. He will be brought back here and I will figure out what to do with him. My sister will be waiting in a medical van nearby to render aid to Whitney once she is found." I pointed out the sections and hidden areas and blind spots for them all to get familiar with.

"A lot of work went into all this. What's in it for us?" Enzo spoke up eyeing the plan carefully.

"Like I said most of his men are accounted for at the hospital. If you help me take them down then I will bow out of claiming any of his territory as my own. It's for both of you to split completely removing the Americans." I spoke quickly and watched as the both thought it over.

My knee anxiously bounced up and down while waiting for some kind of response. Anything even a smile would do but they both sat there unmoving.

"I knew you were a smart man." Ivan broke the silence first a shit-eating grin spread over his face.

It truthfully was Jessie's idea to begin with, the furthest thing from my mind was claiming more territory. I only wanted Whitney back what happened to the Americans and their empire didn't interest me at this point in time.

"I agree with Ivan that is quite the offer." They had all been fighting to gain more territory for years so this was a perfect opportunity.

"I will stay out of it completely. It's all your guys to split as you see fit. I just want my bride back." Enzo took my hand in his vigorously shaking it.

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