Chapter - 29

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Sky was standing near King's car while the kids sat inside the car with their bags and were worried about their parents. Yiwha and Sailom looked at Phai who was very angry and hurt.

Yiwha - P'lom..

Yiwha established a mind connection between her and Sailom.

Sailom - Hmm

Yiwha - Did we do the right thing?

Sailom - I don't know if we did the right thing or not. But we can't see both of them suffering when they both still love each other.

Yiwha - How do you know that Dadda still loves Papa?

Sailom - You saw the pendant which Papa found on our birthday?

Yiwha - Yes... Papa was wearing it everyday from then.

Sailom - And do you know how Papa got that?

Yiwha nodded her head in no.

Sailom - Because Dadda came to the birthday that day and Pa Rain erased Pa's memories about that chain but still he wore it and kept it near his heart.

Yiwha - How do you know? Don't tell me you looked into Pa Rain's memories?

Sailom - Don't scream... But that was the reason I fell down last month.

Yiwha - When did you become this naughty?

Sailom - I am not naughty. I just wanted to know the truth.

Yiwha - But the way you did is considered naughty.

Sailom - Don't teach lessons to your brother when you are so naughty.

Yiwha - But how did Dadda come today?

Sailom - That's what I am surprised. Dad V said Dadda went to a business trip.

Yiwha was about to say something else but she heard King's voice so they stopped their discussion.

King gave Sky's car keys to his manager.

King - Please send it to the Wang Mansion. If they ask where Sky is tell them that he is spending the night with Uea and me.

Manager - Khab.

As soon as the manager left, King turned towards Sky. King knew that his Nong was not in the position to talk to him. So he just hugged him and released his pheromones to calm him down and assure him that he was with him.

Sky - I am sorry, Hia...

King - No... what are you sorry for? You did nothing over there, Sky.

Sky - But Hia... he looked very angry. I am worried that something might happen to him or the kids. He knows the truth now.

King - What do you mean by he knows the truth? What will happen if Mr. Phoenix knows the truth? And why would something happen to him?

Sky was silent, he did not know how to answer his Hia.

King - Fine... If you don't want to tell me, I will go and ask him right now.

Saying that King was about to walk towards the office entrance but Sky stopped him by holding his hand. King was surprised to see that Sky stopped him.

King - But Sky...

Sky - No Hia... You are not going to do any more drama in his office. There was enough drama today. I don't want things to be more complicated than they are.

King - Argh... Fine... whatever. You know I can't say no to you, Uea and Pa Kuea. You three always use emotions to tie me up.

King ruffled Sky's hair and again hugged him. Sky hugged him back. Unknown to him there was someone who was watching them.

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