Chapter 1

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Chapter 1

"Ah..Ms.Dwayne do you want the vase here or by the fountain" Grechor asked his face showing his wrinkles and laugh lines that were embedded in his face. "Here we cant have Mrs.Chaung not seeing it I need her to see the vase during the meeting" I instructed my voice wayvering. I was exhausted out of my mind But, I had to complete this deal as it would be the final cut to make my business the biggest "It". "Ugh" I groan cradiling my face in my hands having my elbows lean on the edge of the Mahogany desk, It was worn out the wood chiping of.I never did have the heart to throw it away. I actually remember buying this desk with my dad it was one the only good remains of memories in my past life.

"Mrs. Chaung is on Ms. Dwayne." Grechor said as I grabbed the headset,turned on the voice modulator and put the screen up seeing Mrs.Chaung.........

"Yes! Grechor we got the deal! We did it" I exclamed hugging Grechor. I was always close to him he was the more fatherly man than my own dad was. "Congrats Ms.Dwayne,Wine to celebrate?" he questioned amused by my excitment. "Yes please, Mrs.Chaung kept asking me questions why I couldnt see her and then she started talking about manners and my god that woman can talk." I complained "Well Ms.Grechor we shall have some wine go get ready I already have other thing to worry about." He says teasingly running his skinny wrinkled hands through his salt and pepperd hair. "Yes sure." I mock saluted. It was fun to act young with him I was able to be me.

"Purple dress, blue dress... Purp-- Blue yup! I am going for the blue" I say hastily as I could hear guest arrive. Grechor always invited people over when it was time to celebrate for the company. I went as an assistant for the "fake" boss so I could come to these gatherings with no suspicion on who I was and people nagging on asking. I always hated the high class. They were like a fake society all zombies prepped up in million dollar clothes and jobs that could feed half of Africa and they were all beat up and caught up on society, thier social status and money. That they didnt notice and look around that all thise friends were fake and that thier so called love of thier life was in the back closet having 'fun' with another possesion that they so called owned. It was all in all interesting but scary. "Ah Ms.Dawaney caught up in her thoughts" someone cooly said and that someone irked her. "Ah Mr. Cockroach hitting on women as usall whats new to see" I remark back smirking. " Haha you humor me Athena" he spoke my name rolling of his tounge in a way that made m--. Stop it Athena your letting the bastard get to you. "Thinking about me huh Athena?" He questions " Ha in your fucking dreams Zander." I spat "But I do Athena I do." And with that Zander saunterd away with himself and my arousal. Across the large hall.

I walked to the mini bar hoping to ease the tension rolling of my body. I took a seat on the high seat and orderd a seebreeze a large pink vodka drink very strong and reminds me of the calm ocean. "Ey're ya go ma'am" The bartender said. I looked up suprised to see a handsome face he had hazel eyes and an unusall hair color mixed between aburn and brown messily placed over his head and he had a strong jaw with scruff and cute full lips. " where you from?" I questioned Noticing his accent. " E'r Im from the Bayu In Louisian'a" he paused then said " you look e'r diffrent from them rich gals." He says flashing a smile with pearl whites. "Well..." I say " The names e'r Shawn." "Well shawn I hope your right that I am diffrent from these people" I say smiling boyishly. "Your a charmer arn't ya a pretty little thang Mrs..?" He questions "its Athena" I say smiling. "Ahh the famous Athena Mr.Macho man o'ver there got dem sights on you better watch out. Hate to see such a thing like you go through hell like dem other girls" he warned. " Oh shawn I wont I hate Mr. Cockroach dont you worry" I say "dont you worry".....

Authors note

Hey guys I know this is really short but this was kind of an intro of Athenas life and hatred towards Zander :) eventually the chapters will get WAY longer haha and I also am writing this on my device so unfortanatley I could not see how long this was probably half a page.. I know I suck.. But I hope you enjoy please comment and do tell if you want me to continue this story at all :) BTW that grechor on the side :)

Love~ A

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