Chapter 7

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Sorry for being short but I need it to be like that! Trust me xoxo

Chapter 7


“Come over anytime.” I closed the door before I took one step I felt Zander right in front of my face.Maybe he went slower than that but my brain at the moment was combusting.His warm breath blew across my face as his dark blue eyes looked at me. He bent down and kissed me.

I don’t know why I didn’t stop him, there were no fireworks l was no teenager but this was something different I felt good as his soft moist lips deepened the kiss. It was something that made my hunger from him grow. At this moment I could care less if this was meant to happen it was meant to happen. His arms wrapped around my waist his coat tickled my shoulders as I wrapped my arms around his neck. My tongue lightly touched his as we both ravished each other’s mouth. He pulled away as I opened my eyes I looked at him shyly “Oh god.”

His eyes still closed and his arms wrapped around my waist I turned around to leave.


He pulled me closer to him and wrapped his arms around my body keeping me there he bent down nestled his head to my neck.I sighed and felt my knees weaken. “Zander?”

“Do you know how long I have been waiting for that?” he looked up and raised his fingertips to my now messy hair. My eyes widened he liked me. Zander liked me and I just kissed him and hugged him.

He noticed my tense form and held me I struggled in his steel grip.

‘You will be staying with me it is not safe.” He spoke rather to himself than me.

“What?” I yelled out. “Just because I kissed you does not mean anything!”

his head snapped towards me, and he growled.

He grabbed my shoulders and slammed my back against the over expensive car. “Don’t test me Kitten.” He looked at me with a stern face.

I glared at him. “I am not one of those stupid bimbos of yours Zander you have not right!” I seethed “Who do you think you are!” The evening cold breeze caused sight goose bumps to arrive. “That kiss, it meant nothing don’t ever do it again!”

I stalked off wrapping my arms around myself and ran inside. I had come to the conclusion he was insane, and did this to all those other bimbos of his. “To think I liked him!”

I huffed and entered the living room, and walked up the wooden staircase not caring to look outside or to look for Grechor. I was upset and I felt the need to kill Zander and I wanted to kiss him. I was confused about my wild feelings.

At ths moment I wanted my mother, she had been murdered when I was 15. She had been tortured to her death in front of me by the only person I had called a best friend then. Lucifer. A cold chuckle ran through me funny how his name matched the meaning of who he was. The man who always had a distant metallic smell, who had always been so dark except with me. He was heartless and a killer.

I sighed and held in my cries. “Why did you do it ?” I cried out and the tears spilled.It was all his fault for years I held felt gulity for what he had done. My tears were nothing to pity on it was ludicrous to think that I thought they were comforting it was something I had every night. I shuffled over to my bed and cradled myself crying into my arms. I felt something crinkle underneath my legs and ignored it. I swiped my tears away and glanced down at my legs and saw a peice of light brown worn paper.

I picked up the small piece of paper and froze.

“Im back Darling”-L

I held back a scream and threw my covers off and got of the bed ready to call the police before I felt someone grab me. “No!”

A/N Totally not edited but here is a cliffhanger, Sorry! I need to find an editor,anyways comment below if I should make Zander sweet or possessive kinda guy?

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