Chapter 3

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A/N enjoy comment and vote! I wrote this at like 1:00 in the morning haha :)

Chapter 3 not edited

Athena P.OV

The typical organ tune ran through the large cathedral. The aisle had a long white chiffon material on the floor and beautiful intricate flowers were in front of the nude brown benches. Many people were at Venice’s wedding. They were well known, both having amazing business’s. Venice walked gracefully with her arm wrapped in with her fathers. Her face glowed with a large smile and excitement lay in her eyes. I stood in the line with her bridesmaid a single tear fell down my face as I watched one of my best friends enter happiness. “Doesn’t she look beautiful?” Dominga whispered “she sure does.” I said happily

“Get the party started!” Mone yelled out she had her hair out of her bun and had us all on the dance floor at Venice’s wedding.I was a bit uncomfortable dancing it wasnt my thing but Mone and Dominga dragged me to the dance floor half drunk. The music was up and the two new wedley couple were in their own world.Drinks were in everybody's hands and glasses clinked, and peoples laughs were heard throughout the whole party.

“we drank we danced and partied now we must sleep!” a sleepy  Dominga murmured. I laughed and held her and walked her to my house and gave her to Grechor. Tiredly I walked to my room and fell asleep wondering how actually being married and being in love would feel like.

The next day I had a meeting with a new corporation’s boss  I was unsure who it was but, I needed this partnership badly. I entered my office and placed the voice modulator on my head and lifted the screen to see none other than Mr. Zander Drew. I through of my voice modulator and clicked the screen off. “ What the hell Zander?!” I yelled “I have business I do not have time to mess with you right now.” I huffed

“Is that such a way to speak to your new business partner.. Ms. Dwayne?” he questioned mockingly with a smirk laid across his chiseled face.  I glared at him. “ I expect us to meet at my office on Thursday strictly around 2:00 Ms.Dwayne.. don’t be late.” he said and then the screen went black. I groaned at that strange conversation. “why do I even find him attractive” I groaned once again.

Zanders p.o.v

I was getting sick and tired of fucking waiting for my mate, I knew who and where she was but, “It wasn't the right time.” it never was as my mother said. I wanted to act my actions on my instincts to go and grab my mate by her silky brown hair and never look back, but times over here are different than before and problems had started to act. I sighed and ran a hand through my hair longing for my mate but I was hopeless.

I sighed once again, I grabbed for my papers and and closed the light to my office.” Another day and None to succeed.” I said sighing out. I was losing energy, and my body was not properly functioning. I was close to going insane. without being close to my mate, even if she acted as if she hated me. That thought sickened me and I felt more tired. I needed to see her.

Her window was open, always such a bad habit. Who was I kidding I was entering her room without her permission. I had my reason’s though and eventually I would not have to wait for her, but this did good enough for me to know she was close by. I entered her bedroom and looked at her body that laid across the bed her arm was splayed across her chest and her hair was an unruly mess. I chuckled and took a wisp of her hair in my hand and stared at Athena. Her milky light brown skin was florescent against the room, her stormy blue eyes were closed but, thee enchanted me in no way any other women could. I stood up and took of my shoes and laid my head next to her and wrapped my arm against her waist. For once I simply enjoyed her presence nearby.

Athena’s P.O.V

I woke up with a startle and clutched the blanket to my chest. I had a really good sleep and suddenly it turned horrible. I glanced to the side of my bed hopefully expecting someone to be lying there. My thoughts came back and I wondered why I was so foolishly thinking indecent thoughts like this.

Kick left, punch right, right,left I was working out, I was kickboxing sweat dripped down my back as my fist and legs matched to the rhythm to the beat. I was in intense work session and this was my only moment of sanity, where I could be myself and think. My thoughts wandered to the the meeting I had tomorrow with Zander. He was definitely attractive, I wasn’t saying that was wrong but, I found his personality lacking a lot. His women may like men like that but, I appreciated and respected someone who would actually not flirt with every women that he ceased to catch his eye on and then have some ‘fun’ I grumbled at that thought and kicked the punching bag harder with frustration.

You could say I was a lonely 22 year old women, I lacked in the social area, I would prefer a good book than dancing, cooking than dating, and work than partying. I hummed a tune as I gently placed the lasagna in the oven and added tomatoes and olives to my salad. I prefered to cook for Grechor and I, rather than having a maid to do work that could be done easily. I hummed and twirled in the kitchen oblivious to the people  smugly standing there watching. I turned as I placed two empty glasses on the table and screamed in surprise. “What the hell are you doing here!” I shrieked and ran to the man ignoring the man next to him. “RYAN!” I yelled out “wha- how?” I questioned “Zander over here needed me over from Italy to help with some work and I offered to come over and see my favorite cousin in the world.” he chuckled out. I squealed and jumped up and hugged him. ”I’m glad I made dinner then sit, sit.” I said hastily and then glanced and remembered Zander was standing there looking attractive as ever. “Ms.Dwayne a pleasure once again.” he said smiling I looked at him in shock that he had the uncanny ability to smile and shook my head at my actions.

“I hope you like Lasagna.” I said loudly placing my oven mitts out and taking the lasagna out of the oven. “I'm happy I came all the way from Italy to taste your cooking.” Ryan yelled out. I laughed at that thought and placed the food and wine on the table. “Grechor!” I yelled out He slowly came and sat on the table not noticing the two people sitting on the table.

“Ryan!” He yelled out surprised “Give your old man a hug.” He replied in swift Italian “ I laughed at that as Ryan and Grechor started their own conversation in Italian. I placed a piece of food on my plate and a small amount of wine and quietly ate as I heard Zander swiftly enter their Italian conversation. It's not that I didn't understand I just wanted to eat quietly because a strange feeling was placed inside of my stomach. “So Anya how’s your business?” Ryan questioned with his annoying nickname for me. “ It's been good stocks are well and My employees are happy.” I said vaguely “ How is your mother?” I questioned “Shes sick and unwell shes missing dad .” he replied his head shook and he looked down  I took his hand in mine and gave him an understanding look “Its okay she will get better she is the mother of you Ryan.” I replied hopefully adding a bit of humor to lighten up the mood. I then heard a slight growl and turned my head questioningly towards Zander. I shook my head and continued to eat.

My thoughts wandered toward my dad I wondered where and what he was doing, probably still sitting in jail, My eyes filled with tears as I thought about that. Memories were brought back of things no child should have gone through but, the past was the past.

Only If I knew how wrong I was then....

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