Win it for me

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Chapter 7
[real life and instagram]

I arrived at the hospital pretty quickly that night, waiting patiently in a room as the doctor was going over my x rays.

It felt like I had been in there for hours, days even before there was a knock on the door. I shot up, flinching slightly as the pain in my leg got worse.

"Come in", I say.

The door opens slowly to reveal a worried looking Hayley with Paige who had a look on her face I couldn't really read.

"Have you gotten your x rays back?", Hayley asks as she shuts the door quietly behind Paige.

"No, still waiting", I answer, not taking my eyes off of Paige. "How was the game?"

The blonde walks up to me and gives me a small smile and a shrug, glancing at Hayley.

"Lost 81-92", she answers.

"I'm so sorry", i say genuinely.

"For what", her and Hayley look at me with confused looks.

"If I hadn't have gotten hurt your mind wouldn't have been on other things and it's all my fault that y'all lost", I started breathing heavily.

"Lauren", Paige puts her hands on the sides of my arms. "Breath"

I look into her eyes and try to mimic her breathing as much as I could, getting it back to normal in no time.

"North Carolina state is a good team. We would have lost with or without you getting hurt", she explained. "Besides, we were playing horribly in the first half too, wasn't our best game"

I go to say something else when I hear a faint knock on the door followed by my doctor peeking his head in, causing me to immediately grab Paige's hand and squeeze.

"I see you have visitors", he steps fully into the room and smiles at Hayley and Paige before looking at me with a sad expression.

I shake my head as tears begin falling, not wanting to believe his next words.

"Full ACL and Meniscus tear in the right knee. You'll need surgery and unfortunately you'll be out for 9-12 months", he informs me.

I look over at Paige who looks like she was about to cry herself. Hayley was stood in shock, not believing what the doctor had said.

"When is surgery?", Paige asks, cutting through the tension in the rooms

"Scheduled as soon as we can get you in on Thursday November 16th at 9:00 in the morning", he smiles.

We stayed silent, the three of us knowing exactly what November 16th was.

"The day of the Maryland game", I faced the giant in front of us.

"I don't have to go, I want to stay here with you", Paige looks at me, no longer trying to control her tears.

I shake my head and smile up at her. I knew she had to do this, not just for me, but for the husky fans. She needed to show everyone that Paige buekers was back and was still the best player in the league.

"You have to go. Win the game for me.", I smiled. "And then maybe I'll take you up on that date. When I can walk that is"

The entire room erupted in loud laughter. This felt right, this felt like home, with Paige's hand in mine, I never wanted to let go.
It was Thursday, a big day in both Paige and I's lives. Paige had the big game against Maryland where she needed to prove herself and I had ACL surgery waiting for me in about an hour and a half.

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