Getting through it

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Chapter 12
[Real life]

We landed in Connecticut a few hours ago and Paige still wasn't talking to me. She stayed silent the entire flight, even on the drive back to my apartment when she dropped me off.

There was no goodbye, no kiss, no "I love you". She didn't even acknowledge my presence. Speeding away the moment I stepped out of the car with my things.

I had been laying in my bed in the dark for the last few hours, going through every emotion posssible. Sadness, that I may have lost Paige. Anger, towards Riley that she would even call, especially that late at night. It was like a whirlwind.

"Get up", I hear from my door. Turning my head I see Hayley standing there with a sweatshirt and leggings on her hand.

"Where are we going", I mumble.

"To talk to someone, now come on", she walks towards me and picks me up so I'm sitting upright.

My injury is getting better, I'm able to walk around without the brace and my doctor says I'm good to start training again next week.

"I don't think Paige wants to talk", I say throwing the sweatshirt over my head.

"Who says we're talking to Paige. I don't even want to look at her right now", Hayley scoffs.

"Well then where are we going?", I ask confused as I stand up and put on my leggings and tie my shoes.

"You'll see.", Hayley walks out of the room. "I'll be in the car".

I sigh and grab my phone, looking down at the "P" necklace that was sitting on my bedside. I smile and grab it, latching it around my neck before I walk out to Hayley's red 4-runner.
We drive around for about 15 minutes before Hayley pulls up to an unknown apartment complex on campus.

My friend drags me out of the car and to the elevator where she hits the third floor and we hear the hum of the machine begin ascending.

"Who the hell lives here Hayley", I say annoyed.

"Just wait", she smirks at me as the doors open and she skips her way down the hallway.

I roll my eyes as I follow my best friend down the hallway where she stops in front of a door with the number 10 in small silver letters in the center.

I scrunch my eyebrows as Hayley knocks twice and backs up a little. I hear a voice yell "coming" from in the apartment and soon the door handle turns and a familiar Croatian brunette comes into view.

"Nika?", I question confused.

"Hey Laur", Nika smiles over at me then at Hayley.

"Is she here?", another voice questions from inside Nikas apartment.

The basketball player turns around and nods before a shorter dirty blonde comes into view next to the Croatian.

I recognized her from around campus, her name was lanie James and she was the star of the volleyball team. Paige had mentioned Nika had a girlfriend but I hadn't been close enough with Nika to have met her.

"Hi, I'm lanie", the green eyed blonde extends her hand for me to shake which I do with a small smile.

"Lauren", I nod.

"Well, I thought this could be great for you. To you know, talk out those problems", Hayley explains.

"What problems?", I ask confused.

"Paige came by earlier. She was really upset", lanie starts. "We thought we could help, we went through a similar situation when we first started dating"

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